Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pedophile training in Lublin
We are in the city of Lublin, Poland, at St. Dominic Savio Salesian High School. There the day starts with a Mass said for the students by the Father Director. Classes follow, and when the break time comes, there is an "innocent" game conceived by the Father Director.Nuns and lay teachers paint the children's faces with imitation cat moustaches and they all go upstairs shouting "Meow," crawling on all fours.
In a room, the Father Director is waiting for them, wearing loose shorts, seated on a chair. He places a large dob of whipped cream on each knee and tells the children to lick it since that is what cats do. Those who are reluctant to do so are either forced by a friend who is more dedicated to the "game," above, or are prodded by the priest with his cane and thus compelled to lick his knees, eighth row below.
When this part of the "fun" is over, Father Director goes downstairs and distributes more whipped cream, this time with all the children on their knees around him, their mouth wide open and their heads at the height of his waist.
Some privileged few are later chosen to play the same game in the woods, where the priest appears in an open bathrobe and wearing a garland of flowers around his head.
Don't you think that this is a very "innocent" game? If you don't, you are in disagreement with the Polish courts. For, after some parents placed charges of pedophilia against Father Director in 2012, he was acquitted for lack of evidence...
The judge did not want to consider that this "game" is actually mass pedophile training.
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Posted October 26, 2014