Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Dervishes at St. Augustine Church in Würzburg
St. Augustine Church in Würzburg, Germany, has a turbulent history. Built in the Gothic style in the 13th century, it was completely reformed to fit the Baroque fashion of the 18th century. When World War II ended in 1945, its interior was almost completely gutted. It was restored several times to return it to the Baroque model. Recently (from 2010 to 2011), the church was completely redesigned to adapt it to the Vatican II "communion model," understood as an completely egalitarian church that gives precedence to no one, neither God nor priests nor laymen.Thus, the church walls were painted stark white to hide the elaborate decor, the altars were destroyed, the presbytery effectively disappeared, and the pews were placed in two aisles facing one another. For Masses, a portable altar and podium are set in the wide central aisle and remain there for the short extent of the Masses. Afterwards, they are retired and the space is used for concerts and other performances.
One such show featured three Muslim dervishes who performed there on February 16, 2013. As it is known, dervishes dance to Sufi music in a state of trance.
Above and below first row, you see them twirling with their eyes closed in the central aisle of the church; second row, they are pictured in prayer waiting for a mystical inspiration to come before the performance; third row at left, an overview of the church showing the portable altar and podium for Mass, at right, the aisle as stage for the Muslim dancers; last row, an external view of St. Augustine Church in downtown Wurzburg.
Complete egalitarianism, inter-religious worship and total desacralization, here is an example of what the "theology of communion" - so dear to Benedict XVI and Urs von Balthasar - wants to impose on everyone.
Photos sent by a reader from Germany

Posted March 10, 2013