Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Hippie Mass in Italy
In the hippie style of painted faces, Bishop Giancarli Bregantini of Campobasso-Bojano, Italy, celebrated a Mass in Bojano on December 2, 2012. The Mass was for the intentions of the local Catholic Action (Azione Cattolica).
The Prelate concelebrated with two other priests who also had their faces painted with hearts and words that translate to "I love Catholic Action." The modern music of the Mass followed the rhythm of drums.
Above, Bishop Bregantini gleefully being prepared for Mass in the hippie/punk style that has been increasingly adopted at the World Youth Days. Below first row, he and the two co-celebrating priests receive the Offertory gifts; second and thrid rows, the Consecration; fourth row, a religious woman in the pews also had her face painted with "I love Catholic Action," in the fifth row, members of the local Catholic Action complete the hippie atmosphere by beating on drums and wearing T-shirts with the same symbols.
The hippie customs of the '60s, a symbol of the revolt against Catholic Morals and Christian Civilization, are now promoted by the Conciliar Church and enter the Altar as an adaptation to a "healthy expression of life of the youth"...