Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Magic show in the Sanctuary of Fatima
The official name of the modern new Sanctuary of Fatima is the Church of the Holy Trinity. The initiative to construct this Banjo Shrine has not been rewarded by success, since pilgrims instinctively do not visit it. Instead, they go to the old Basilica and to the small Chapel of the Apparitions. The new building is usually empty or occasionally toured as an extravagant artistic curiosity.In an attempt to change this situation, the ecclesiastic authority has promoted different events in that church. This is what happened, for example, on June 10, 2012, when a "children's pilgrimage" from neighboring cities was brought to the New Sanctuary to take part in a session of white magic and prestidigitation, which was executed on the altar or, to be more precise, in the presbytery, as far as the altar and presbytery are distinguishable in that modern building.
Although a panel was set in front of the altar, it was perfectly visible to a part of the audience, as shown above and below first row. There is no need to say that this event transformed that church into a circus. An extremely inappropriate use of a place meant to be a sanctuary.
Here is another initiative of the representatives of the conciliar Church, which seems to have the goal of mocking the sacrality of the Catholic Church and passing on this spirit to the new generations.

Posted September 2, 2012