Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The gaucho Masses in Brazil
The inculturation of the Conciliar Church does not stop. Above you see an example of the adaptation of the Mass to local customs. In the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul, a cattle-raising area, the gauchos [cowboys] set the local tone of the customs. They are known for their characteristic clothes, songs and food. All these elements were incorporated into the liturgy of the Mass, producing an obvious desacralization of it.In the photo above left, you see a gaucho standing very close to the altar holding a skewer of grilled beef; next to him a boy holds up a typical rude cup of erva mate tea. At the same time, the priest consecrates the bread and wine to become Body and Blood of Our Lord. There is a strong insinuation that the local food and drink the gauchos are offering are somehow partof the Consecration.
The priest has a gaucho hat hanging on his back and wears a poncho as if it were his vestments. In the photo below, the poncho can be seen more clearly. Please note also that below, at the Offertory, the skewer of meat and the cup are raised up together with the Host to emphasize their participation in the Mass.
The gaucho Masses, like the Afro Masses (here & here), are advertised by the religious authorities along with the Tridentine Mass as one of the "traditional" Masses available to the faithful...
Photos from O Alto do Taquari, RS, Brazil

Posted June 17, 2012