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The 90th birthday Mass of Card. Sales
Card. Eugenio Sales, retired Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, is the oldest living Cardinal in the Church. He served as Archbishop in Rio for 30 years, from 1971 to 2001. On November 9, 2010, at the Mass to celebrate his 90th birthday, six Cardinals, 26 Bishops, 150 priests, plus 5,000 lay persons were present at the Cathedral of Rio.
As part of the commemoration a pop star, Elba Ramalho, was invited to sing regional songs from Sales' original State of Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte. What is shocking about this invitation is that Ramalho is a singer with a quite frivolous moral life. Among the 'highlights' of her career is an extensive photo spread in Playboy magazine where she poses completely nude. To invite this singer sends the message that either the Catholic Church tacitly approves her behavior or simply does not care about it. Either of these messages is very harmful to the morals of the faithful.
Above, Elba Ramalho holds Card. Sales' hand while she sings for him. She wears skin-tight pants and a transparent blouse through which one can distinguish, among other things, a tattoo on her upper left arm.
The commemoration is to be credited to the present day Archbishop of Rio, Orani João Tempesta. The approving news report on the event issued by the Brazilian Conference of Bishops states that the two parts of the ceremony that touched Card. Sales most were Ramalho's performance and Benedict XVI's message of greetings.
Below first row, another picture of Ramalho singing in the presence of Cardinals and Bishops; second row, another performance and two poses where her arm tattoo shows clearly.
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Posted May 22, 2011

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