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Carnival Bishop resigns in Germany
The resignation of Bishop Walter Mixa of Augsburg was accepted by Pope Benedict XVI on May 7, 2010. The Prelate was an old friend of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger - first row below - and shortly after the latter became Pope, he named Mixa Bishop of Augsburg.
Walter Mixa was also named the chief Military Chaplain of Germany.
With these comfortable positions and such a powerful protector, Mixa found the time to enjoy many inappropriate things, among which is his active participation at the Carnival in his diocesan seminary in 2009, above.
In 2002, one of the seminary directors had already written that Mixa was always on the look-out "for allies among seminary students dependent on him, who would regularly inform him of events that occurred at the institution. In addition, Monsignor Mixa - who supposedly goes by the nickname ‘Monsi’ in ‘the scene’ - developed an irrational solidarity with candidates that was not compatible with Church law.”
Recently accusations came to light that he had sexually abused a boy while Bishop of Einchstatt (1999-2005). The Church handed over information to the civil authorities who are investigating the charges. After his resignation the Bishop left the country and entered a "psychiatric clinic" in Switzerland - read more here and here.
Second and third rows below, Bishop Mixa with children at different occasions.
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Posted May 16, 2010

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