Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Cardinal Poupard visits a Hindu temple
On November 19, 2006, Cardinal Paul Poupard, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture at the Vatican, visited the Hindu temple in Goa, India. Above, Poupard is pictured leaving the religious edifice.
Below is the November 25, 2006 issue of local newspaper Vavraddeancho ixtt. The headline in the Konkin language translates: "First Visit to Hindu Temple in Goa by a Catholic Cardinal."
The symbolic visit of the Vatican Cardinal frontally contradicts these words
of Pope Leo XIII quoting St. Hilary of Poitiers:
"Christ teaching from the boat signifies that those who are outside the Church can never grasp the divine teaching. For the boat represents the Church, the only place where the word of life is deposited and preached. Those who are outside and remain there, sterile and worthless like the sand on the beach, cannot understand him."
(Encyclical Satis cognitum of June 29, 1896, Petropolis: Vozes, 1960, n. 19).
Vavraddeancho November 25, 2006
Posted December 26, 2006

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