
Appeal to the Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchy & Faithful
Ukrainians, Turn to Our Lady of Good Success
Ask Her to Save Your Country!
In the 1600s, the Blessed Virgin, under the invocation of Good Success, appeared to a nun in the Conceptionist Convent in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. The Virgin gave her important prophecies about our time, describing the crisis that would come in the 20th century caused by the moral decadence of the clergy and the corruption of good customs throughout the world.
She announced a punishment and a victory, and she gave a promise: That she would come to the aid of all those who would invoke her under this title in those calamitous times to come. Those times are our days.
On July 5, 1941, Ecuador was attacked by Peru. Peru had superior forces and weapons, and in a short time the Peruvian army had almost defeated the Ecuadorian army. Ecuador ran the risk of disappearing as a nation.
Realizing how desperate the situation was, the Cardinal of Quito ordered that prayers be said for three days in a row before all the images of the Virgin in that city. Among them was the statue of the Our Lady of Good Success.
On July 27, 1941, around 9 a.m. the statue of Our Lady of Good Success moved her eyes up and down, looking first at the people, then, toward Heaven. She did this repeatedly until 3 o'clock in the morning of the following day. That fact was witnessed by more than 30,000 people of Quito, who rushed to the church to view the miracle during those two days. This was one of the most important miracles of the 20th century.
The very next day, July 28, Peru unexpectedly stopped its invasion and began to retreat from Ecuador. The war ended and an armistice was signed. The clergy and the people realized that Our Lady of Good Success had intervened before God for them and saved Ecuador.
Today, Ukraine – like Ecuador in 1941 – has suffered an unjust invasion by a country with vastly superior weapons and forces. Now it is Ukraine that is in danger of violently disappearing as a nation.
Thus, we turn to Thee, O Mother, and make this plea:
Our Lady of Good Success, Ecuador was saved by an Archbishop who called for three days of prayer and the people who pleaded unceasingly for Thine help and mercy. Gazing back with confidence at that merciful precedent, we turn to Thee, terrible as an army set in battle array (terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata), and we beseech Thee:
Our Lady of Good Success, Save Ukraine!
You can read the full story here,
here &

Cardinal Josyf Slipyj (February 17, 1893 – September 7, 1984) was Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
In 1944, when the Soviet Union invaded Ukraine, Cardinal Josyf Slipyj expressed his rejection and confronted the communists, leading the Catholic people in the defense of their Nation against the communist aggression.
In 1945 he was arrested by the NKVD (later the KGB) and sentenced to forced labor. That was the beginning of the communist strategy to destroy the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Then the pressures to "convert" to the Greek Schism came along with the theft of the Catholic churches and their handing over to the Schismatics, as well as the forced reunion of their faithful with the Schismatic Church, which was and still is manipulated by the Kremlin.
Mons. Slipyj rejected any offer of apostasy, and consequently was imprisoned for 18 years in camps in Siberia and Mordovia (Dubravlag).
The people of Ukraine today follow the example of Archbishop Slipyj.
Tradition in Action prays that Archbishop Slipyj’s sufferings were not in vain. May Our Lady of Good Success give the valorous Ukrainian people the victory against the communist invader and defeat the enemy.
April 22, 2022

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