Special Greetings

Easter Greetings
We await the "resurrection" of the Mystical Body of Christ from the present day crisis, just as Our Lord actually resurrected from death. The difference is that the Catholic Church does not die, as He did. But her suffering is so profound that it appears to be a death.
We expect her to rise up from her passion so pure and refreshed that it will look as if she has a new life. Then, she will liberate the souls tormented by this crisis, just as He freed the souls of Limbo. She will give an exceptional glory to God as Christ did when He ascended to God the Father after encountering Mary Magdalene.
It will be the Reign of Mary, which will be the best pre-figuration on earth of the Celestial Jerusalem at end times.
It is with this hope that we greet our dear friends, donors and readers this Easter amid the dusk of Church and Civilization.
TIA - Easter 2017

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