Special Request
A Christmas Request
As the TIA website grows - we are reaching an average of 6,000 visits per day - our needs multiply and demand more work:
both research to assist our readers and technical support to keep our files constantly updated and improve our new pages.
This cannot be done without more persons working for us, which implies new salaries and office expenses.
For this reason we appeal to the readers of TIA website to help us financially this Christmas.
We do not fight for our own personal advantages, but to defend the Catholic Faith and Christian Civilization from the revolutionary attack of their overt enemies and, what is much worse, their hooded
who have infiltrated the Church and State.
We are sure that the Divine Infant, Our Lady of Bethlehem and the great St. Joseph will reward with their generous graces those who will help our cause, which is also theirs.
We thank you in advance and assure you that you and your family will be included in our prayers and in the intention of a traditional Mass said monthly for our donors.
December 2014

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