Special Greetings
Easter Greetings
 | Cathedral of Bourges, France - Apocalyptic window
As the Passion of Holy Mother Church intensifies, our hearts ask Our Lord Jesus Christ when will He come to stop so many adulterations in His Mystical Body. The episode of His glorious Resurrection that we are commemorating now in the liturgical calendar, becomes increasingly associated with the depiction of Him as the apocalyptic Judge. Indeed, a great chastisement to be inflicted upon unfaithful Prelates, leaders of temporal society and all the guilty in the world is ever more necessary.
Only after such purification will our beloved Catholic Church be able to resurrect from her apparent death, and inspire the building of the Reign of Mary.
Tradition in Action remains in communion of ideals with our readers, hoping that they will defend the Church in these sad days so that they may be counted among those chosen that will see her glorious victory.
April 2009

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