Special Greetings
Christmas Greetings
On this night in History when the sun of the Papacy has hidden its light, and the stars of the Episcopate have fallen from the firmament of orthodoxy, a comet yet remains showing us the narrow path of fidelity. It is the message of Fatima that leads to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the establishment of a new Christendom, which will glorify God more than any other time.
Encouraging you, who honor us as our readers, to continue on the hard path of fidelity, Tradition in Action thanks you for your constant moral and material support during this year that comes to an end.
Kneeling at the Manger, we ask St. Joseph, Our Lady and the Divine Infant to give each one of you and your families the choicest graces of Christmas and a New Year that brings an increasing spiritual union with them.
These are our sincere and heartfelt desires for you this Christmas.
December 2008

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