Special Greetings
Christmas Greetings
As Our Lady, Saint Joseph and the shepherds worshipped the Divine Infant for the first time, the Angels on high sang His glory and manifested their joy. A glory and a joy that would overflow from that simple Manger in Bethlehem, triumph over evil and change the entire History on Earth and in Heaven.
In memory of that past joy and in anticipation of the future glory of the Reign of Mary, Tradition in Action wishes our dear readers a very Holy Christmas and many graces for the New Year.
May they persevere in the confidence that from this cold night of the demolition of the Catholic Church by her own Prelates, and of Christendom by their own leaders will come the full achievement of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ on Earth, the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, predicted in Fatima.
December 2007
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