| Good Dreams, Revolutionary Dreams The dreams of a people shape the mentality of the era
The Political-Social Kingdom of Christ
The concept of Christendom & how to defend it
Peace, Equal States & Slavery Correcting common misconceptions on these topics
Myth & Transcendence The Catholic man seeks in everything the higher reality
 | Hierarchy, a Principle the Revolution Is Increasingly Rejecting The classroom ambiance should correspond to education's noble purpose
 | The State of Mind that Generated the Revolution The revolted spirit rejects sacrality, respectability and grandeur
 | Oligarchies in Modern Democracies The myth of the sovereign people and who really controls them today
 | Liberalism, Socialism & Feudalism
Part 1 - Discussing Liberal & Socialist Democracies Tragic abuses appeared in 19th century liberal democracy
Part 2 - Socialism Exploits Liberalism’s Flaws The free market leads to price wars, monopolies & worker strikes
Part 3 - The Fiasco of Socialism & Basics on Catholic Authority No incentives in Socialism - man's need for authority
Part 4 - The Principle of Subsidiarity A Catholic solution better than Liberalism and Socialism
Part 5 - Subsidiarity & Feudalism Social inequality and private property are also evangelical
Part 6 - The Medieval Family & Subsidiarity The role of primogeniture in family development
Part 7 - The Role of Local Authorities & Customs Subsidiarity gave a voice to the people & force of law to customs
 | The Role of Economy in the Collapse of the Medieval Mentality Moral factors that change the structure of local economies
 | Organic Society & Capitalism
Part 1 - Critique of Capitalism from an Organic Perspective Defects of Capitalism that must be avoided in a Catholic society
Part 2 - The Harmful Mentality of Borrowing Money No one should borrow money to buy what he does not need
Part 3 - What to Do with the Surplus of Currency How a Catholic State should handle the circulating currency
 | Medieval Paternalism & Progressivist Neo-Slavery Comparing the medieval guilds to the modern labor system
 | How Intermediary Societies Participate in the State Power Organic customs shape a region's culture and its personality
 | Customary Law & Roman Law The role of Roman Law in an organic progress
Command versus Influence
Through influence tennis shoes are being imposed on society
 | Organic Society & City Planning The harmonic life of the people in Santa Maria Formosa Square in Venice
 | Fostering the Originality of Each Social Cell The superior should not
suppress a living reality
 | Formation of the Holy Roman-German Empire The natural development from small States to an Empire
 | The Art of Organic Government Orienting the good tendencies of a people
& meeting their expectations
 | What Is the Res Publica? State, Nation, private & public interests explained in an easy way
 | Organic versus Revolutionary Progress Authentic progress stimulates man to practice virtue
& strive for Heaven
 | The Natural Candidate to Exercise Power Command naturally originates from service to community, not from wealth
 | Richness of Soul in the People’s Life Nativity figures reflect their vibrant personalities
 | Admiration, Foundation for the Reign of Mary Its essential role in the counter-revolutionary mentality
 | How Man Should Act over His Natural Environment Criteria to consider in developing land, preserving God's plan for nature
 | Monarchy, Aristocracy & Democracy
Part 1 - Definitions, Examples of the Three Forms of Government Their healthy life and their corruption
Part 2 - Theoretical and Practical Positions of the Church The Church helps each people choose its form of government
Part 3 - Does Authority Represent God or the Sovereign People? The authorities can be bad but they represent God
Part 4 - Catholic Rebuttal to Rousseau’s Sovereignty of the People Men are equal in theory but very different in practice
 | Leadership: Established by Generosity & Gratitude, Not a Social Contract Critique of the modern conception of power born from an exchange of interests
 | Two Basic Aspects of the Medieval Mentality Reverence and tenderness toward Our Lord formed wise men & institutions
 | Organic Society and The Desire for Heaven How family ambiences can help a man to feel at home on earth
 | The Steps of an Organic Relationship How friendships form in a Catholic society
 | What Is Organic Society? The members and organs that compose a healthy society
 | The Moon and its Halo Why a Catholic should be concerned about Society and not just Religion