An ambience that breathes serenity and life |
The grand mountains, solitary and sublime, seem to invite men to the calmness and serenity of the highest contemplation. At the foot of this sublimity, in a vivid and agreeable contrast, the gracious flourishes: a small village with an almost conventional charm in which one senses the ordered but vibrant rhythm of a life abounding with peace, purity, happiness and activity.
It is simultaneously sublime in its significance and serenity, and gracious in its harmony and beauty. The small baroque church, the focal point of the picture, unites, consolidates and elevates all the notes of the panorama to a higher sphere.
In this village of Mittenwald in Bavaria, an artisan trade is practiced that demands an ambience of harmony, and in its turn, is a source of harmony. The inhabitants of this village make violins that are famous throughout the world.
The purpose of these observations is not only to show the readers an enchanting panorama typical of Catholic Bavaria. We also want to emphasize how suitable such an ambience of art and poetry is for an artistic and artisan production, especially when vivified by the radiating presence of the Church.
Isn’t it because this is lacking that today our super-dynamic, super-agitated and super-tumultuous big cities produce “artistic” monstrosities?

Mittenwald, famous for its violins, is also known for its charming fresco-painted residences |
Published by Catolicismo, n. 144, December 1962
Translated by the TIA desk
Posted July 23, 2010

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