Our Lady of Good Success
Extraordinary Cure of a Pre-Natal Baby
Testimony of Francisco Gutierrez Los Angeles, California
I am a married man, and my wife and I have been blessed with a large family. I have found that life does not always work out according to a previous plan. We must leave many things in God’s hands. We have 13 healthy children and my wife and I have also been blessed with health. In June of 2008 my wife announced to me that she was pregnant with our 14th child. I was happy and hoped that the pregnancy would progress as well as all the others had.
On her first visit to the OB/Gyn she was told that all appeared well but, because of her age, she would have to be screened by a special doctor. This doctor was an expert in fetal ultra-sound. The first visit to the fetal ultra-sound specialist started like any other visit to the doctors.
Well, any similarity stopped after we entered the examination room. My wife was lying on the examination table and the Doctor began to use his ultra-sound instrument to view our baby. In the exam room was a large screen television and we were able to see our child, a wonderful sight. The Doctor told us in very clear terms that our child had “pericardial effusion,” which signifies the presence of an abnormal amount of fluid in the pericardial space. The Doctor’s diagnosis also included that our child’s heart had structural anomalies, one of the “markers” for “Downs Syndrome.” We were devastated with the news. We were not prepared for this possibility.
 The miraculous statue of Our Lady of Good Success and the Infant Jesus in Quito, Ecuador |
The Doctor ordered my wife to take a 2-hour nap every day. My wife and I looked at each other and wondered how we were going to accomplish this order - she has the other children to look after and I have my full-time job. We left the office and drove home. On the way home my wife and I discussed the situation we then found ourselves in. We knew that our child was a gift from God, and we would have to keep praying and hoping that our child would be fine.
On the second visit the Doctor told us that our baby still had an abnormal amount of fluid around the heart and that this was causing stress to his heart. My wife was crushed with the news. He ordered that she take a 4-hour nap per day. My wife and I looked at each other again and said we had a difficult time with 2 hours - now we had 4 hours to contend with.
It was at this point that my wife and I knew we had to do something different. I had recently read a book written by Dr. Marian Horvat on Our Lady of Good Success. I thought: let us turn to Our Lady. We began to pray the novena to Our Lady of Good Success and ask her to heal the disease of our baby.
We arrived at the Doctor for our third visit, the novena having been accomplished. We were escorted into the examination room, but this time we walked in with peace in our hearts. The Doctor began to examine our baby and immediately said two things. First, our baby had been healed completely, no abnormal amount of water around his heart, and second, our baby was a boy.
My wife began to cry tears of joy and thankfulness because Our Lady had answered our prayers.
The baby was born on May 20, 2009 in normal conditions. My wife was also fine. The delivering of the baby was a true “good success.”
I write this testimony to be placed on TIA website as an act of deep gratitude to Our Lady of Good Success for this extraordinary cure she made in our baby. I also want other people to know this marvelous event and encourage them to have recourse to Our Lady as well.

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