Ven. Antonio Margil
Prayers to Ven. Antonio Margil
Prayer for A Favor
O Lord Jesus Christ, your apostle Antonio Margil left his homeland to bring the Gospel of Salvation to the people of Mexico and the United States. He endured every hardship and pain for love of You. May You graciously deign to reward your servant Margil by hastening the day when he will be raised to the honor of Blessed and Saint.
We ask that Ven. Antonio Margil intercede for us before God by answering this request. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
This prayer for Private Devotion has the Permission of Archbishop Patrick F. Flores of San Antonio, Texas
Prayer for Militants
O Fr. Antonio Margil, who dedicated your llife to expand the Catholic Faith in these lands of North and Central America, look upon us now in this terrible crisis that ravages the Church. Help us to preserve intact the treasure of our Faith and give us a strength similar to yours to combat the enemies of the Catholic name inside and outside of the Church. Amen.
Ven Antonio Margil, "the Wing-footed Friar"
From a prayer card distributed by The Margil House of Studies

Ven Antonio Margil
Many people have great dreams of making the world a better place to live, but few have the strength to make such dreams come true. Ven. Antonio Margil de Jesus had dreams, and he made those dreams a reality. He is considered the Apostle of Mexico, Central America and Texas.
Born in Valencia, Spain on August 18, 1657, he entered the Franciscan Order while still very young (age 15) and was ordained a priest at age 25.
In March of 1683, he and 23 other Franciscan missionaries left for Mexico and landed at Vera Cruz on June 6. For the next 43 years he traveled on foot as far south as Panama and as far north as Texas and Louisiana.
Anyone who has traveled through these territories knows the hardships Margil had to endure, but no sufferings would impede him from accomplishing the impossible dream of bringing Christ to all men, and all men to Christ.
Margil established a chain of missions that extended through Mexico into the present day United States. He also founded two apostolic Colleges to train missionaries. The most famous of the missions that he founded is San José Mission in San Antonio, Texas, the Queen of the Missions and today a historical site.
Margil died in Mexico City on August 6, 1726 and was declared Venerable by pope Gregory XVI in July 1836. Devotion to Antonio Margil continues to our days. For his beatification only one miracle through his intercession is needed.
Proccess of Beatification and Canonization
According to records in the archives of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints, the decree for the introduction of the cause of Fr. Margil was given July 19, 1769 and the decree of declaration of the virtues of Fr. Margil was given June 31, 1836. The second decree completes the process towards beatification and canonization except for the required miracles, and grants the title “Venerable”
The archivist of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Fr. Jaroslav Nemec, and the Franciscan promoter of the cause of Father Margil, Fr. Juan Folquera, OFM, have stated that as soon as there is an approved miracle attributed to the intercession of Fr. Margil, he will be beatified. After a second miracle, he will be canonized.
At the present time, we do know where to report favors received through the intercession of Ven. Antonio Margil. If any of our readers know, we woudld appreciate this information. Please contact us here.

Ven. Antonio Margil, Apostle of Texas
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