International Affairs
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Echoes from Brazil
Brazil 2015 – What Comes Next?
The year begins for our Country under ominous signs of consummated facts.
President Dilma Rousseff, the reelected communist, took office on January 1. She could afford the luxury of forming a government with 39 ministers representing the various national political groups, from neo-capitalist to the most advanced communist. This is hardly reason for comfort since everything leads one to believe that this coalition will be blind toward any real opposition to the present Marxist program.
The countries of Latin America are also moving toward the consummated fact of becoming increasingly communist – as unfortunately is happening with Brazil – although they call this action ‘Bolivarism.’
Both the current Brazilian government as well as the majority of Latin American countries are turning friendly and abetting eyes toward the communist Cuba, subdued for over half a century by the tyranny of the Castro despots.
In this scenario we have to face another fact of the greatest importance: the activity of Pope Francis. As a Latin American, he is having a strong influence on the process of de-Christianization of our Continent, which was formed over the centuries by the heroic action of Catholic missionaries from various religious orders, especially the Society of Jesus.
Pope supports communist movements
An under-emphasized fact that points to the pro-communist position of this Latin American Pope is his presence at the World Meeting of Popular Movements held in the Vatican at the end of October 2014. There he encouraged those movements inspired by the notorious "Theology Liberation" to continue their demolition work of what remains of Catholic structures in the New World.
For the benefit of the reader, I transcribe excerpts of an interview of João Pedro Stédile, one of chief leaders of the Brazilian Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST), with the Italian organ "Il Fatto Quotidiano."
The front page
article noted: “A Marxist linked to the history of Liberation Theology, Stedile was one of the organizers of the
Meeting of Popular World Movements that took place in the Vatican last week [October 28, 2014]. In one of the sessions of this debate in the old Synod Hall, Stedile went so far as to suggest the canonization of St. Antonio Gramsci, the notorious Marxist theorist and agitator.”
The interviewer asked Stédile: You have a Marxist formation. What is your opinion about the Pope and the Vatican initiative?
Stedile: The Pope has made a major contribution with an irreproachable document that is more leftist than many of ours, because it addressed matters of principle importance such as agrarian reform, which is not only an economic and political problem, but also a moral one. In fact, he condemned the large landowners. What is most important is the symbolism: In 2,000 years, no Pope has ever organized a meeting of this kind with social movements.
Question: You were one of the promoters of the Social Forum born in Porto Alegre. Has there been a symbolic shift of the Vatican to the left?
Stedile: No, I think Francis was able to correctly place before us the great problems of contemporary Capitalism like war, ecology, work and power. He has the merit of having initiated a dialogue with the [communist] social movements. I do not think there is a superimposition, but rather complementarity.
In any case, I assume a position of self-criticism, as promoter of the Social Forum, noting that it was exhausted and unable to create a world assembly of social movements. From the meeting with Francis, however, two initiatives were born: to form a permanent forum for dialogue with the Vatican; and, independent of the Church but taking advantage of the meeting in Rome, to construct in the future an international space of world movements.
It should be noted that in other statements during the Rome meeting, Stédile affirmed that, due to the rural exodus, there were no peasants to mobilize for the movement and it was unlikely that the city masses could be organized for this purpose. It should be emphasized that there is no news that any rural workers of the invaded farms have joined with the invaders and spoken out against the landowners.
As can be seen, the Pope is coming to the aid of leftist movement doomed to failure because it lacks the support of the people.
Papal activity favoring Cuba
The same thing occurred in relation to Cuba. At a time when its communist government found itself unable to sustain itself, Pope Francis came to its aid as architect of the talks between Raul Castro and Barack Obama resulting in the resumption of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba.
Here, Francis was continuing the Vatican Ostpolitik initiated by Msgr. Augustine Casaroli in the pontificate of Paul VI, and faithfully followed by John Paul II and Benedict XVI during their visits to the island prison.
This last event has a very symbolic meaning, emphatically demonstrating that the two highest world leaders – one in the temporal field, the U.S. President Barack Obama; the other in the spiritual realm, the Supreme Pontiff Francis – are bowing before the communist dictator of Cuba, which has been the spearhead of communist satanic power that is infecting the three Americas.
These are events of unfathomable magnitude that unequivocally demonstrate where the highest powers on earth are leaning and the causes they dare to patronize.
Although expressed in a summary fashion, these facts lead to the conclusion that we are experiencing the summit of apostasy regarding God's design for humanity. What comes next?

Dilma & Francis - communist President & communist Pope in perfect solidarity
The countries of Latin America are also moving toward the consummated fact of becoming increasingly communist – as unfortunately is happening with Brazil – although they call this action ‘Bolivarism.’
Both the current Brazilian government as well as the majority of Latin American countries are turning friendly and abetting eyes toward the communist Cuba, subdued for over half a century by the tyranny of the Castro despots.
In this scenario we have to face another fact of the greatest importance: the activity of Pope Francis. As a Latin American, he is having a strong influence on the process of de-Christianization of our Continent, which was formed over the centuries by the heroic action of Catholic missionaries from various religious orders, especially the Society of Jesus.
Pope supports communist movements
An under-emphasized fact that points to the pro-communist position of this Latin American Pope is his presence at the World Meeting of Popular Movements held in the Vatican at the end of October 2014. There he encouraged those movements inspired by the notorious "Theology Liberation" to continue their demolition work of what remains of Catholic structures in the New World.
For the benefit of the reader, I transcribe excerpts of an interview of João Pedro Stédile, one of chief leaders of the Brazilian Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST), with the Italian organ "Il Fatto Quotidiano."

A landmark event - Francis hosts communist leaders at the Vatican; below, greeting leader Joao Pedro Stedile, who later stated 'We Marxists fight with the Pope'

The interviewer asked Stédile: You have a Marxist formation. What is your opinion about the Pope and the Vatican initiative?
Stedile: The Pope has made a major contribution with an irreproachable document that is more leftist than many of ours, because it addressed matters of principle importance such as agrarian reform, which is not only an economic and political problem, but also a moral one. In fact, he condemned the large landowners. What is most important is the symbolism: In 2,000 years, no Pope has ever organized a meeting of this kind with social movements.
Question: You were one of the promoters of the Social Forum born in Porto Alegre. Has there been a symbolic shift of the Vatican to the left?
Stedile: No, I think Francis was able to correctly place before us the great problems of contemporary Capitalism like war, ecology, work and power. He has the merit of having initiated a dialogue with the [communist] social movements. I do not think there is a superimposition, but rather complementarity.
In any case, I assume a position of self-criticism, as promoter of the Social Forum, noting that it was exhausted and unable to create a world assembly of social movements. From the meeting with Francis, however, two initiatives were born: to form a permanent forum for dialogue with the Vatican; and, independent of the Church but taking advantage of the meeting in Rome, to construct in the future an international space of world movements.
It should be noted that in other statements during the Rome meeting, Stédile affirmed that, due to the rural exodus, there were no peasants to mobilize for the movement and it was unlikely that the city masses could be organized for this purpose. It should be emphasized that there is no news that any rural workers of the invaded farms have joined with the invaders and spoken out against the landowners.
As can be seen, the Pope is coming to the aid of leftist movement doomed to failure because it lacks the support of the people.
Papal activity favoring Cuba
The same thing occurred in relation to Cuba. At a time when its communist government found itself unable to sustain itself, Pope Francis came to its aid as architect of the talks between Raul Castro and Barack Obama resulting in the resumption of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

Francis & Obama played leading roles
in making the deal for Castro
This last event has a very symbolic meaning, emphatically demonstrating that the two highest world leaders – one in the temporal field, the U.S. President Barack Obama; the other in the spiritual realm, the Supreme Pontiff Francis – are bowing before the communist dictator of Cuba, which has been the spearhead of communist satanic power that is infecting the three Americas.
These are events of unfathomable magnitude that unequivocally demonstrate where the highest powers on earth are leaning and the causes they dare to patronize.
Although expressed in a summary fashion, these facts lead to the conclusion that we are experiencing the summit of apostasy regarding God's design for humanity. What comes next?

Posted January 23, 2015