International Affairs
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Be Prepared: The List of
What Is Forbidden in Cuba
Mr. Cosme Beccar Varela from Argentina sent TIA this list. It is a good reminder that Communism is alive and oppressive in Cuba. We believe the warning is pertinent to the situation in the United States today as well as Argentina. We will let our readers be the judge of this. - TIA
Everyone in Argentina knows that the presidential usurper Cristina Kirchner and her accomplices are friends and supporters of the Castro's tyranny and its partners, the Venezuelan “Chavistas.” All or almost all believe that this is a harmless "sympathy," the fruit of a "stale" ideology that has been stuck in their heads since their time as Marxist guerrillas. But we should not worry because WHAT HAPPENED IN CUBA WILL NEVER HAPPEN HERE.
Well, for those optimists who think so, give them this list that I received from a good friend, a Cuban in exile. A single reading can make the hair stand on end. I know perfectly well that those optimists despise such warnings, even though some of these things are already being implemented in our country. Never mind. It is published and they can read it if they like.
If you want to do something so that this horror is halted, you can. If you prefer to continue looking the other way, you can also do that, which is what will probably happen. So be it. It is God in Heaven who asks an account.
In Communist Cuba, it is forbidden:
1. To travel abroad without government permission. One can only leave Cuba with an official pass (the famous White Card), and the process of obtaining it can take years and in many cases will never be granted. Health workers, those in the State ministries, the armed forces, or elite athletes, among others, must wait at least 5 years, but in most cases they never get the permit;

Fidel Castro, the demagogue who promised a paradise and gave a hell to the Cuban people
3. To change jobs without government permission;
4 –To change one’s address: Any changes demand dozens of regulations;
5 – To publish anything without government permission;
6 – To have a personal computer, a fax machine or a satellite dish;
7. To have access to the Internet. The Internet is tightly controlled and monitored by State security. Only 1.7% of the population has access to Internet;
8. To send your children to a private or religious school. All schools are under the authority of the communist government;
9. To practice any religious worship without approval. Adults can be fired from their jobs; children can be expelled from school;
10. To belong to any independent national or international organization, with the exception of communist ones (the Communist Party, the Communist Youth, Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, etc.);
11. To watch or listen to radio stations and private or independent television. All media is government property. It is illegal for Cubans to hear or see foreign radios and TV channels;
12. To read books, magazines or newspapers that have not been approved or published by the government (all books, magazines and newspapers are published by the government). There is no authorized independent press. To read 1984 or Animal Farm by George Orwell is as subversive, as is having a Sputnik magazine or News of Moscow from the perestroika period;
13. To receive publications from abroad or from visitors (punishable by imprisonment under Law 88);
14. To communicate freely with foreign journalists. – (Question: Why was Yoani Sanchez allowed this and more? Would she be a government agent?)
15. To visit or stay in hotels, restaurants, beaches and resorts for tourists (where Cubans are excluded).
16. To accept gifts or donations from foreign visitors;
17. To seek employment in foreign companies based on the island without government approval;

Above, Rousseff, president of Brazil, on the same team with the Castro Brothers, as Bachelet, president of Chile, below

19. To make more than the government-established wage for all jobs: approximately $7-$12 a month for most work, $15-$20 a month for professionals such as doctors and government officials;
20. To sell any personal belongings, services, food prepared at home or homemade crafts without government approval;
21. To fish on the coast or ride in a boat without government permission;
22. To belong to an independent union (the only one allowed is government controlled and permits no individual or collective contracts, strikes or protests);
23. To organize any sports team, sports activities or artistic shows without government permission;
24. To claim any prize involving money or try to earn one abroad;
25. To choose your own doctor or hospital. They are all government assigned;
26. To seek medical help outside Cuba;
27. To hire an attorney, unless the government approves it;
28. To refuse to participate in mass demonstrations organized by the Communist Party. Refusal to participate, as of May 1 or July 26, means being categorized as disaffected and exposed to the consequences;
29. To refuse to participate in "volunteer" work for adults and children;
30. To refuse to vote in elections with a single party and candidates nominated by the government. (Fidel Castro and Raul Castro were not "elected" by direct vote. Their names never appear on the ballot);
31. To freely run for public office – all candidates are handpicked by the Communist Party;
32. To criticize or justly challenge the repressive laws of the regime, or any comments or decisions of leaders or the head of State;.
33. To transport food products for personal or household consumption from one province to another. The luggage of travelers is continuously checked by police on trains, buses, private cars, bicycles and any means of transport in search of foodstuff, sugar, coffee and meat, among other things. Products found are confiscated, and those carrying them are legally prosecuted for the offense.”
34. To butcher a cow. Cattle owners cannot use the meat for their own consumption and much less sell it themselves. This “felony” is punishable by five years in prison.
35. To buy or sell property and land. The "owners" of houses cannot sell them but only exchange them (and only for a similar house) with many regulations. Although less than 6% of farm land remains in the hands of peasants (the rest was expropriated in the first decade of the Cuban Revolution), "owners" cannot sell their land;
36. To import the following electrical equipment: freezers, air conditioners, stoves and ovens including microwave, water heaters, showers, mixers, irons and toasters;
37. To return to the country to live after emigrating. Those who decide to visit their relatives in Cuba need special visa permits to return to the land of their birth and must obtain a Cuban passport (even if they have another officially recognized nationality). The process for a foreign person to obtain a Cuban visa costs $450, not including travel and other expenses. If the visa is denied, the Cuban government keeps the money.
38. To visit a "deserter" family member who has left Cuba. When a Cuban "defects" in jobs that the government considers "official business" (sports, science, art, etc.), family members must wait at least five years until the government decides if they can travel. Parents, children or siblings may not visit their loved ones even if they have a visa and ticket to the country where the "deserter" resides;

Benedict XVI went to Cuba to lend the Church's support to the aging dictator
40. To freely choose one's career. A high school graduate, regardless of his academic level and the availability of jobs, cannot select a preferred career. In the selection process for universities (all belong to the State), the ideological factors have primacy, and these factors depend on the degree of unconditional commitment of the youth and the "needs of the Revolution" at the time.
41. To invite a stranger to spend a night in your home. If the CDR watchers (Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, that is, those who spy on their neighbors), report that a foreigner is sleeping in the house of a Cuban, an investigation starts, which usually ends in fines or, in the case of repeat offenses, in the expropriation of the property.
42. To refuse to participate in the Territorial Militia, the CDRs, the Rapid Response Brigades or any repressive organization of the regime. Refusal is interpreted as a clear sign of revolutionary disaffection and involves punishment.
43. To buy milk in regulated facilities (warehouses) for children over seven years of age. Only children up to age seven in Cuba can receive the right to pay for milk; after that age the sale of milk is no longer allowed and parents can only purchase it on the black market, which implies a clear violation of the law.

Posted October 2, 2014