International Affairs
Honduras and Chavez:
What the Media Is Not Telling You
Toby Westerman
The "coup" in the Central American nation of Honduras is the first major blow to the Marxist expansion sponsored by Hugo Chavez, but the American people are to a great extent being kept in the dark by the centralized news media.

Zelaya, left, fled to Nicaragua where Ortega and Chavez promoted a press conference that same June 29 demading his return |
The Associated Press, upon which most news outlets in the United States depend, appears to be slanting its reporting to support the pro-Chavez version of events in Honduras.
The AP tells us that much of the world has condemned the deposing of Manuel Zelaya. We also are told that Hugo Chavez, president of oil-rich Venezuela, has vowed to remove the new president of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, and that U.S. president Barack Obama has called the Micheletti government "illegal."
"If the oligarchies break the rules of the game … the people have the right to resistance and combat … and we are with them," Chavez affirmed.
AP reports say little about the ardent support Chavez is giving the deposed Zelaya. Also, scant attention is given to those who are fearful of Chavez's involvement in the internal politics of Honduras. Chavez's political presence in Honduras has penetrated even into the spiritual realm. Bishop Darwin Andino, the Catholic auxiliary bishop of the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa, observed that "the hand of the Venezuelan Hugo Chavez" was involved in Honduras’ internal affairs, according to France's AFP news agency. Bishop Andino stated that that Honduras was resisting "chavismo," the promotion of Chavez and his revolution.

As a new Nero, Chaves now decides what is legal or not in the three Americas - Obama concurs |
In defending his position as the new Honduran president, Micheletti described the 12 "advisors" who had arrived in his country from Venezuela and the regime in neighboring Nicaragua, now dominated by the overtly Marxist Daniel Ortega. A fact yet to be reported by the AP.
These "advisors" are seen as helping to guide the building of a pro-Chavez dictatorship in Honduras, following the same pattern as what has already occurred in Bolivia under Evo Morales and in Ecuador under Raphael Correa. The illegal referendum called by Zelaya shortly before his ouster fits the model used by Chavez, Morales, and Correa to ensure unlimited terms in office.
Modern governments often limit presidential terms in an attempt to check the rise of a popular dictatorship. The United States has similarly amended its constitution to avoid presidential abuse of power. What pro-Chavez regimes have done is to seek to "reform" their nations' constitutions to remove this protective provision and obtain the "right" to remain in office permanently.
Zelaya had also committed Honduras to membership in an organization founded by Chavez, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, sometimes referred to by its Spanish acronym, ALBA, which was founded to promote the neo-Communist revolution, "21st Century Socialism."

"I love Honduras, I defend the Constitution" - The people shout it, but the American media doesn't report |
Following another pattern set by Chavez and his allies, Zelaya sought to control media reports by demanding that his government have at least two hours of program time per day to present its views to the nation. The AP has neglected to inform its readers about these and other factors that play a vital part in the Honduran story.
Chavez's threats against the new Honduran government should be taken seriously. The sale of sophisticated small arms, advanced jet fighters, and battle tanks by Russia to Venezuela has made the Chavez regime a significant regional power.
Chavez has close ties with the most important guerrilla group in the region, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombian, a Marxist narco-terror army known by the Spanish acronym, FARC. Although recently battered by the Colombian military, FARC remains a potent force in Colombia and still retains a significant presence throughout much of the Latin America.
Operating from Nicaragua, FARC fighters could easily cross the border into Honduras and inflict a great amount of suffering and deaths.
President Micheletti and his supporters did, as Chavez emotionally declared, "break the rules," but only in the sense of opposing an abuse of power and "chavismo."
How long Micheletti can withstand these assaults from the neo-Communist elites remains uncertain, but a brave stand has been taken against Marxist tyranny, and the American people should have accurate knowledge about it.
Posted July 6, 2009
What kind of ally is Moscow in the fight against terrorism?
Find out what the centralized media is not reporting - read
Lies, Terror, and the Rise of the Neo-Communist Empire: Origins and Direction. by Toby Westerman
Contact T. Westerman at
or P.O. BOX 5182, Rockford, ILL, 61125-0182

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