International Affairs
Media Ignores Infiltration
in Mass Demonstrations
Toby Westerman
The May 1, 2006 demonstrations and boycott, which were supposed to bring America to a halt, failed to affect America very far beyond those participating and those watching on television. The rallies did, however, raise serious questions about foreign influence in American politics, and the willingness of some to break with U.S. political traditions by those who supposedly want to become legal participants in American politics.

Well organized demonstrations like the one above in Los Angeles took place across the country on May 1. Who are the organizers? LA Times, May 2, 2006
The first day in May is revered among Socialists as International Workers Day, and in the U.S. it is, ironically, designated as Law Day.
The organizers of the mass rallies stated that the demonstrations were held in favor of "immigrants" and "immigration." The established or "drive-by" media dutifully echoed these assertions. In effect, the media permitted the planners of the rallies to set the terms used in the coverage of the political demonstrations. In reality, of course, the question involves illegal immigration and mass violation of U.S. borders.
The use of mass rallies in several U.S. cities combined with an attempt to cause serious economic damage lies outside traditional American politics. This tactic does, however, fit neatly into South American methods of political agitation - a tradition that favors street intimidation to decisions made at the ballot box.
The coordination of hundreds of thousands of participants in various cities across the U.S. indicates careful, skilled, and experienced political organization. The established media, however, has ignored the question of who are the organizers of these mass street demonstrations?
The U.S. has already been the subject of intense infiltration and attempted political influence. For decades the communist regime of Fidel Castro's Cuba has operated a highly sophisticated intelligence service within the U.S. Castro's understudy, Hugo Chavez, president of oil rich Venezuela, has conducted a campaign to bring his influence into the Latin American sectors of U.S. society. Articles on Chavez, which presents the Marxist leader in a positive light, appear in Spanish-language newspapers.
Chavez has already been condemned for interference in elections in several Latin American nations.
While U.S. flags were highly visible during the rallies, many demonstrated participants echoed demands coming from Communist rallies which demanded free movement of people from the north of Canada to the southern tip of South America. During the August 2005 "16th World Youth and Students Festival" held in Caracas, Venezuela participants called for the goal of Marxist revolutionary "Comandante" Che Guevara: "from the tip of Canadian territories in the Arctic Circle to the Straits of Magellan."
No nation can exist without border. No society can absorb unlimited millions of individuals migrating into it without losing its identity. The borders of the U.S. must be sealed, and the United States government must learn who has entered into the nation illegally. Some of the illegal immigrants are true U.S. patriots, some are in sympathy with totalitarian regimes hostile to the U.S., some are here simply to earn a better living. - but the U.S. needs to find out who is who.
Posted May 3, 2006
Toby Westerman publishes
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