No More Ecumenism, Say Baptists
Atila S. Guimarães - February 1, 2003
The North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention recently stated that it does not want to continue ecumenical dialogue with Catholics. Rudy Gonzalez, who heads the NAMB, said:
“Ecumenical dialogue is not part of our ministry assignment from the Southern Baptist Convention. In the end, I think all parties would agree that our theological differences are what make us uniquely who we are as Baptists and Roman Catholics” (Our Sunday Visitor, January 26, 2003, p. 12).
So we have this rather strange situation. In the wake of Vatican II, innumerable Catholics have become ashamed of the anti-ecumenical Truth the Church had defended in the past and are constantly asking forgiveness for the splendid actions she made on behalf of the Faith.
The Baptists, on the contrary, are proud of their past errors and their obstinacy. Since these Catholics argue that they have to deny the past teaching of the Church to please the heretics, why don’t they at least be consistent now and deny ecumenism to please the innumerable Protestants who take a similar position as that of the Baptist sect?

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