‘Too Little Appreciated’
Atila S. Guimarães - March 31, 2001
Since 1962, the year of the first session of Vatican Council II, we have been hearing about ecumenism incessantly. Until now, many of the Catholic faithful have not swallowed the progressivist version of this so-called love for our separated brethren. There are large circles of Catholics, broader than the traditionalist and conservative milieus, that do not accept this desired union with Protestants and Schismatics.
This conclusion, which I state with satisfaction, has also been expressed - but with regret - by the head of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Cardinal Edward Cassidy. Addressing the U.S. Catholic Bishops on November 12, 2000, he stated: "The Church cannot be true to herself unless she is ecumenical." And he added: "This is a truth too little appreciated by many Catholics" (The Tidings, November 17, 2000, p. 2).
I take advantage of this admission by the well-informed Cardinal Cassidy to encourage my traditionalist brothers to carry on firmly in our correct position, which is a rallying point for a great number of Catholics all around the world. Holding to our convictions fortifies the Faith of many people and helps to prevent them from being overwhelmed by progressivism. Also, from a strategic point of view, our position helps to slow down the march of progressivism, andthereby hasten its inevitable deterioration.

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