Sincerely Yours...
Atila S. Guimarães - July 25, 2002
On June 27 the government of Sudan, a sincere ally of the United States in the war against terrorism, ordered the bombardment of a Catholic Bishop’s residence. Auxiliary Bishop of Torit, Akio J. Mutek, was not hurt, but four colleagues were injured when government aircraft dropped four bombs on the Bishop's quarters, razing the his house, priests’ lodgings, offices, and a newly constructed youth center.
"Everything has been destroyed," reported a statement from the country’s Episcopal Conference. The statement said that the same aircraft also dropped 12 bombs on Isoke, a mission about 50 miles east of the Bishop’s home, where 500 children attend primary and secondary schools (Our Sunday Visitor, July 14, 2002).
What the news report did not mention is that the government’s religious persecution against Catholics in Sudan is stimulated by Muslim religious authorities, the very same that sincerely attend the numerous ecumenical meetings sponsored by the Vatican.

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