Anglican Split
Atila S. Guimarães - November 22, 2002
Rowan Williams, new primate of the “Anglican Church,” is favorable toward the ordination of homosexuals. It is expected that he will also officially approve the “marriage” of the numerous Anglican homosexual priests who are publicly living with other men. The feminists hope as well that he will allow women to become bishops. These probable actions of Williamd further threaten the already feeble unity of the Anglicans (Actualité des Religions, October 2002, p. 32).

Rowan Williams Newsweek, November 11, 2002 |
I guess that the larger part of an eventual split would ask to enter the Catholic Church. Would they be received? I doubt it. In 1993, after the “Anglican Church” admitted women in the priesthood, seven bishops, 700 priests/deacons and 5,000 lay people asked to enter the Catholic Church.
It was a cause of real embarrassment for Vatican ecumenism. The group was discouraged from becoming Catholics by Cardinal Basil Hume (for documentation, please check Previews of the New Papacy, by Marian Horvat and myself, p. 204).
In 1996, the book The Roman Option by a Catholic convert from Anglicanism stated that the English Catholic Bishops put up all kind of obstacles to prevent that mass conversion, which they qualified as “an invasion of intolerance” in the Catholic Church. No one knows exactly what happened to all those Anglicans. The subject sank into a profound silence… I imagine that something similar will take place with regard to the Anglicans who would want to leave the rotten institution under the direction of Rowan William.

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