Consequences of Vatican II
Two Amiable Disputes
Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.
I remember two occasions reported in Sacred Scripture in which Our Lord engages in disputes with people. The first is between Our Lord and a woman of Canaan. The woman approaches Our Lord asking for mercy, saying, “My daughter is grievously troubled by a devil.”
The Savior answers her “not a word,” and His disciples call for Him to “send her away.” His response is to say, “I was not sent except to the sheep of the house of Israel that are lost.”

The Canaanite woman begs Our Lord for mercy |
She perseveres, remonstrating, “Lord, help me.” At this, Jesus reproves her with the words, “It is not good to take the bread of the children, and to cast it to the dogs.” Her retort is a benign argument, “Yea, Lord: for the whelps also eat of the crumbs that fall from the table of their masters.”
Christ was waiting for this, His Sacred Heart longing to assist her. His words are so touching they should be etched into every heart that exists: “O woman, great is thy faith: be it done to thee as thou will.” And her daughter was cured from that hour. (Mt 15: 22-28)
A footnote from the Douay-Rheims Bible states that the Canaanite woman laid no stress on her own merits, but supplicated for the mercy of God. Nor did she say “have mercy on my daughter,” but rather “have mercy on me.”
It goes on to tell us that we should do what the woman of Canaan did - use against Him the very arguments He may have for refusing us. “It is true that to give bread to me is taking the bread of children and casting it to the dogs,” we should say. “I do not deserve anything, but I beg you to give something. I know that it is unjust to grant favors to a sinner, but I do not appeal to Your justice, but to Your mercy.”
The second protest is well known. It is the prayer voiced by the centurion, whose servant Our Lord healed. The prayer is canonically repeated at Mass three times by the priest before receiving the Blessed Host, while the servers bow slightly and strike their breasts at each “Domine:”

The centurion makes an act of humility and faith |
“Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur
anima mea”. Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof; but only say one word, and my soul shall be healed. (Cf. Mt. 8: 6; Lk 7: 6)
The priest repeats that prayer, immediately before he descends the altar to give Communion to the recipients at the rail. Of course the laity pray likewise.
A centurion in the Roman army was a high-ranking officer in charge of 100 men; the centurion was a commander of a centuria, which is Latin means of a column of 100 men. This centurion was either a Jew himself or loved the Jewish nation to the point that he had a synagogue built at his own expense. (Lk 7: 5)
His prayer is deeply etched in the hearts of the faithful who receive the Blessed Sacrament. But the grace bestowed upon him was one of mystifying significance. Our Lord Himself “marveled” at the “great faith” of the centurion. (Lk 7: 9)
St. Augustine explains the weight of the words of the centurion thus: “Counting himself unworthy that Christ should enter his door, he was counted worthy that Christ should enter his heart.” (1)
Abuses at the Mass encouraged by Missale Romanum
Prior to Vatican II, the glorious “Domine, non sum dignus” summarized the spirit of submission and humility of the priest and the faithful in face of the mystery of the Sacrifice of Christ in the Mass. It would be a useless, if not impossible, endeavor to track the pernicious effect of the Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum that took effect on April 3, 1969, establishing the Novus Ordo Mass.

Fr. Guy Gilbert concelebrates a picnic Mass with the Bishop of Cahors, France |
Who, among the faithful, have not been acquainted with the insane abuses made at the Consecration? The reader is invited to view a “picnic Mass,” where a bishop and a priest, lounging on the grass, wearing rainbow stoles, perform a “consecration.”
Behold what unrestrained liberties have entered the Church since Vatican II! This blasphemous spectacle, like so many others, makes a Catholic soul bleed, as if a filthy claw had ripped and wounded it. The liberty offered under the pretext of “opening windows” to the world is destroying the Church
The liberty given to the Princes of the Church by collegiality is a spiritual poison without precedent. This applies not only in their freedom to cover up the heinous crimes of their sexually egregious priests, but also their liberty to make doctrinal and liturgical corruptions, which have been documented beyond doubt in the collection “Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani?” (2)
Let us ask Our Lady for the perseverance of the Canaanite woman, and for the deep faith and humility of the centurion, that we may convert and join her army in the Counter Revolution. In this fight, we must resist Progressivism that has hijacked the Church and is poisoning all Catholics with doctrines and examples coming from the very top.
1. “Sermons by Augustine,” in L. C. Fill ion, The Life of Christ, St. Louis: Herder Bks, 1943,p. 171
2. Atila S. Guimaraes, see the published works of the Collection below in Related Works of Interest
Posted January 23, 2013

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