Consequences of Vatican II
A Few Good Men to Resist
Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.
Pius XII described Dominican priest Yves Congar as being "in the ranks of those who deny God" and forbade him to teach or publish. (1) Yet John XXIII invited him to the Council where he became a “theological celebrity.” After the Council, he was a favored theologian of John Paul II, who gave Congar a Cardinal’s hat. Also, then Cardinal Ratzinger called him a "great scholar."(2)

Congar, left, and his mentor Chenu, rehabilitated at Vatican II |
He is truly one of the greatest proponents of post-conciliar ecumenism. Further, his ideas about the Church depict an anti-Catholic mentality that seeks to change her very nature. Congar's work was to make the Church "putrefy" and to "burn the dead wood" of her past. (3)
Being that the Church has a divine nature, Congar's effort, born from hatred, surpasses blasphemy and amounts to a kind of institutional deicide-wish. Thus, we have a Prince of the Church striving for her demise, which helps to explain why today's Church is in the state of great crisis.
As Catholics we are taught that the Church is Holy, that is, she is an institution turned toward leading men to Heaven and glorifying God on earth in all things. This is why she is identified as the Kingdom of God on earth. (3) This explains her nature, her essence, which cannot be changed. Everything that exists has a specific nature that God gave it and is, therefore inviolate. To tamper with the nature of a thing is a cardinal sin.
An example is that since God commanded man "Increase and multiply" (Gen. 1: 28), the Church in her sanctity ruled it a grave sin against nature to use artificial contraception. A fortiori, the sin of sodomy – a particularly egregious sin against nature - is one of the "sins that cries out to heaven for vengeance." (Gen. 19: 13)
Today, however, a large movement, encouraged by theologians like Congar and Ratzinger, tells us that the Church should adapt herself to the world. How can it not follow that sooner or later the salutary rules against contraception or homosexuality will also “adapt to the world”? Therefore, the Conciliar Church is on her way to denying Catholic perennial teaching.
For a half-century, the post-conciliar progressivist plan to destroy the Church has been carried out in the open, before the eyes of Catholics and the world.
We must resist Progressivism. Our resistance has been fierce, but the numbers of the Counter-Revolution are small.
Gideon and the Resistance

The soldiers of Gideon fighting the Midianites Psalter of St. Louis, c. 1258-1270 |
Our courage increases when we recall Gideon, the Israelite judge of the tribe of Manasses, whom God chose to destroy the altar of Baal and to defeat the Midianite forces of 120,000 with only 300 soldiers.
That grand resistance brings to my mind two things: first, that it was Gideon’s feat that inspired the Marine Corps' slogan on its recruiting posters asking for "a few good men."
Second, the cult of Baal had penetrated Israel, leading to syncretism, that is, corruption by the insinuation of error into a religion, which is precisely what defines this heresy called Progressivism. One can easily see, then, the need for "a few good men" in today's Counter-Revolution.
Today we are seeing the domino effect being played out in the Church and society. When one domino piece falls, its triggers a chain reaction until everything has collapsed. I believe that the first domino is the heresy of progressivism, given open citizenship in the Church at Vatican II. This Council, which has been called “the worst professional crime in history next to the Crucifixion,” has been maturing and metastasizing for the last half century.
At this stage in History, all Catholics in the Church Militant are required to do more than make novenas and work on personal holiness; they are called to the war against Progressivism in the Church.
A vile neutrality
Unfortunately, however, the Church Militant of our times has reached a point of near evanescence. I believe it is the sluggish inertia of "practicing Catholics" and the sermons and counsels of priests who ignore the crisis inside the Church that has allowed Progressivism to move each day closer to its goal of the destruction of the Church. She is left to "putrefy," her past considered no more than "dead wood."
This lack of militancy against the tyranny of progressivism imitates that of the devils of the air, whom St. Pius X labeled as having a "vile neutrality." As one recalls in the great war in the heavens, when the Angels had to choose between fighting for God or Lucifer, a third class of angels took a "moderate" position. Unwilling to take a definitive side in the struggle, they diverted other angelic spirits from the battle by creating an atmosphere of false peace. (4) Today these devils of the air tempt us in various ways not to take sides, thus to be in the ranks of those who disregard the fight.
Today we are seeing the sad results of a "vile neutrality." Clearly the Church is in need of a few good men – like those of Gideon.
Throughout History, we see that God fulfills His plan through a few, His remnant: “This is one of the important laws that governs the plans of God, the law of the fidelity of the remnant. Residuum revertetur! The remnant shall return. The remnant shall once again conquer!" (5)
1. Mark Fellows, “Fatima in Twilight," Marmion Pub/Niagara Falls, 2003, p. 263.
2. Joseph Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology, p. 388.
3. Atila Sinke Guimaraes, Animus Delendi II, Tradition in Action, 2002, p. 85.
4. Marian Therese Horvat, "Devils of the Air and the Change of the Papacy"
5. Atila Sinke Guimaraes, "The Fidelity of the Remnant Throughout History"
Posted August 4, 2010

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