Consequences of Vatican II
The Sydney Outrage
Gary L. Morella
There was a time when attending Holy Mass was something very special in that the supernatural was visibly felt. It was a unique Catholic act. Now it has been reduced to the banalities of the world where the profane has replaced the sacred.

Fuji dancers with pagan symbols carry the Gospel during the final Papal Mass |
It is becoming increasingly evident that the main reason Catholics no longer know their Faith is that the prime catechetical tool for teaching it to them, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, has been watered down so much that many of the immutable truths of the faith are no longer a part of that sacred liturgy. At these WYD entertainment-extravaganzas shows, such sacrilegious extremes are reached that the Holy Mass becomes nothing but a vehicle for the profane.
Benedict XVI is an enigma. What good does it do to encourage the Tridentine Mass when he takes part in such a sorry example of the bastardization of the Mass at the closing Mass in Sydney? This is a violation of the fundamental principle of non-contradiction, which has become a modus operandi of the current papacy.
We lost much with the demise of the "old" Mass, which was the intention of the progressivist periti of Vatican II. They made sure that the seeds for this inevitable demise were planted in many Vatican II documents that encouraged a myriad of special options, modifications, i.e., the "novelties." They did this in the name of bowing to the customs of the culture, a false enculturation that matched a corresponding false ecumenism, which now tells us that Catholicism is equal to any false religion, and there is no dire need for conversion for eternity's sake.

Above, Fuji dancers perform tribal music during the Gospel procession. Below, seated on the ground, the singers and drummers in bright Hawaii-style shirts

Lest we forget, many martyrs shed their blood by refusing to "bow to the customs of the popular culture" because many of those customs were pagan. Today we see that same Paganism de facto being encouraged at meetings called by Catholics in the name of this false ecumenism, which is nothing more than indifferentism or syncretism, and in the liturgical travesties of WYD.
Real ecumenism is standing in contradiction to, not accommodation with the world, standing as a witness to Christ's Church and affirming the need for conversion to it. This begs the obvious question. Why doesn't Benedict XVI say the Tridentine Mass publicly as an example to the Catholic world? What better place to do this than a World Youth Day? Actions speak louder than words by an order-of-magnitude.
The entire theology of Catholicism is contained in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. At least, it used to be. When you dilute and diminish the Mass, you do the same to the faith, making it unrecognizable as Catholic. We don't need "children’s Masses," "teen Masses," "rock Masses," "polka Masses," “folk Masses,” “native Masses” ad nauseam! Instead of manipulating the Mass to accommodate the latest fads, let the faithful experience a "sense of the sacred" at the Mass of all ages. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not a toy to be played with.
The current difficulties in the Church are not hard to understand because when you mess with a Mass that wasn't broken, a Mass that didn't need fixing, you mess with a person's faith. This is what happened after Vatican II.
What kind of an example is the Sydney Mass for Catholics? It tells them that our beautiful Liturgy can be changed at whim. And if that is the case, then why can’t other things in the Church be changed at whim, including Church teachings on Faith and Morals? They're all up for grabs. What other message can there be? And that is the crux of the problem. Until this fact is recognized and rectified by Rome, the problem will not go away.
Click here
To watch the video of the Gospel procession
Posted July 30, 2008

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