Homosexuality and the Clergy
Blasphemous Cage-Dancing Christ
in San Francisco
Open Letter by Randy Engel
On September 29, 2007, a blasphemous cage-dancing Jesus Christ stripped/performed in a hanging cage in front of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. The Church was closed down in the 1990’s, but the property still belongs to the San Francisco Diocese.
Randy Engels, Director of the U.S. Coalition for Life, sent this letter to Archbishop
George Niederauer, asking that he make a public response to this outrage.

Most Reverend George H. Niederauer
Archbishop of San Francisco
One Peter Yorke Way
San Francisco, CA 94109-6602
November 5, 2007
Your Excellency,
The Folsom Street Leather Fair, which celebrates a sado/masochist and domination/bondage lifestyle was held on Sunday, September 29, 2007 in San Francisco. The Fair is sponsored and funded, in part, with taxpayers monies from the Grants for the Arts (GFTA) and the San Francisco Department of the Environment.

A homosexual dancer dressed as Jesus Christ strips in an iron cage in front of St. Joseph's Catholic Church in San Francisco For more pictures, click here
The public spotlight has heretofore focused on The Last Supper advertisement for the Fair resulting in the withdrawal of support from the Miller Brewing Company.
But there was another sacrilegious event that took place at the Folsom Street Fair that went unnoticed and which I want to bring to your attention.
Since 2002, the Fair has featured caged go-go dancers in various states of undress lifted high above street level.
This year, one of the go-go male dancers, dressed as Jesus Christ, was hoisted up in an iron cage. Amid sexual gyrations he proceeded to perform a striptease that left him dressed in nothing but a leather brief. In the background of this caged setting is, what was once, St. Joseph's Catholic Church. While the church has closed down, I believe that the Archdiocese still owns the land on which the church building rests.
On Wednesday, November 14, 2007, the SF Commission on the Environment which directs the affairs of the SF Department of the Environment will meet at 5 p.m. at the Womens Building, Audre Lorde Room 3543 18th Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco. After roll call and the adoption of the minutes, there is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission on matters that are within the Commissions jurisdiction and are not on the evenings agenda.
The organizers of the Folsom Street Fair have already announced the date for their next annual fete. It will be held on Sunday, September 28, 2008.
They have, no doubt, already applied for next years grant from the Department of the Environment and they will undoubtedly get the grant unless San Franciscos moral leaders and taxpayers speak out.
This is where you, Archbishop Niederauer, come in.
As the Shepherd of Souls of more than 425,000 Catholics in the Archdiocese of San Franciscos you have the duty to set an example for them to follow.
I am asking that you be present at the November 14 meeting of the San Francisco Commission on the Environment, dressed in full bishops attire, to address the Commission members on the subject of the de-funding of the Folsom Street Fair. There are 90 parishes and 11 missions within the Archdiocese, and I presume, without much difficulty on your part, a representative of each of the parishes and missions, lay, religious, and priests, can be present to back up your request that any and all financial support for the Folsom Street Fair by the Department of the Environment be withheld or if already approved, withdrawn. I am enclosing a series of photographs of the performance of caged male stripper in question at the Folsom Street Fair taken on September 29, 2007.
After viewing these photos mocking our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I trust that you will take the necessary steps to draw the attention of your flock to the sacrilegious nature of this attraction and inform them of your plans to de-fund the Folsom Street Fair, and the role that they can play in assisting you with this task.
I think 48 hours from 9 a.m. (PST) on Monday, November 5, will afford you sufficient time to decide on what course of action you plan to take on this grave matter.
If I do not hear from your office by November 7, I shall issue this private letter as an Open Letter to Catholics around the world.
You made a mistake in giving communion to two of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at Most Holy Redeemer Church last month. Here is an opportunity to right that wrong. I pray that you will take advantage of it.
Sincerely in Christ,
Randy Engel, author,
The Rite of Sodomy
Box 356
Export, PA 15632
 This "performance" was a highlight of The Folsom Street Leather Fair - a homosexual / sado-masochist festival

Catholics can add their protest against this outrage by e-mailing the San Francisco Archbishop at info@sfarchdiocese.org
Posted November 7, 2007

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