Homosexuality and the Clergy
The Mother of All Hate Crimes:
Mocking the Laws of God
Joseph Sheppard - August 2003
One of the most horrific criminal acts in today’s world is that of committing a “hate crime.” This moniker has most recently been applied to those who speak against homosexual behavior. We are told we must not “discriminate” against anyone, regardless of their “lifestyle.” In California, and a few other states, this lack of discrimination is even being applied to transvestites.

Supporters of same-sex marriage openly demand its "rights" in the streets - Our Sunday Visitor, March 6, 2003 |
In short, our courts and legislators, in their "infinite wisdom," are doing all they can to make it illegal for good people to speak against evil. Or, to put it another way, these former dispensers of justice and decent laws are attempting to silence all that is good. In some parts of the world, such as Canada and within the European Union, one may be incarcerated for pointing out the truth that homosexuality is evil. Even the Holy Father is fair game, as an Irish legislator considers John Paul II guilty of a hate crime for his pastoral letter which attacked homosexual “marriage.” Indeed, one risks criminal charges for speaking the truth.
The most charitable action that can be taken toward those who suffer from addiction to sexual deviancies is to be truthful with them. Unfortunately for these poor souls, this is the opposite of what they are told about their maladies. Instead they are told that perversity is normal and acceptable. Such "enlightened" advice often leads to physical death, and worse, spiritual death. Is it charitable to encourage someone to engage in a “lifestyle” that leads to such ends?
It is important to study the history of this Revolution of evil we now see in full blossom. It is difficult to imagine how anyone cannot acknowledge the existence of Satan when one observes the sinister, incremental decay of Christian Civilization into the perverted, permissive society in which we now live. We have come to this place in time, so worthy of a chastisement, because many of us stopped believing in God. We have instead made ourselves little “gods” and become slaves to our pride and sensuality. To justify our departure from God we have declared His laws insensitive, hateful, and most important, unconstitutional!
Why is abortion not considered a hate crime? Why is euthanasia not considered a hate crime? How about the deliberate polluting of the innocent minds of children with the filth available on any radio or television? What deranged mind could consider such acts charitable? For a true demonstration of hate crimes one only has to oppose the Ten Commandments. But instead of following these laws of God, our society wishes to eradicate them from public view. At the same time, our system of “justice” makes the breaking God’s laws “legal” in the name of free speech and individual “rights”.
The true hate criminals are those who make a mockery of the laws of God by declaring them “unconstitutional”. The real practitioners of hate crimes are often those who accuse others of this sin. By their hatred of all that is pure and holy they have created the mother of all hate crimes, that of a hatred of God. They hate His laws. They hate virtue. They hate any restraint or moderation. If one cannot love God, one can love nothing good.
Posted August 26, 2003
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