Consequences of Vatican II
McGreevey Dares to Call Himself Catholic
Gary L. Morella
As a Catholic activist, I could not help but notice that the disgraced ex-Governor of New Jersey, James E. McGreevey, who now publicly admits that he is proud to be a sodomite after having an adulterous homosexual affair, is reported to be a "Catholic." This is in error!

With his wife and mother looking on, McGreevey makes his resignation speech - The Los Angeles Times, August 15, 2004 |
Catholics do not publicly scandalize the faithful by telling the world that they are proud of an inclination to mortal sin, which will send them to hell for eternity, barring repentance with a firm purpose of amendment - the necessary requirements for a good Confession. And it is certainly not showing amendment to publicly, shamelessly, and selfishly state that one is proud of being a sodomite to the detriment of his immortal soul, which is a slap in the face to McGreevey's wife and children. But of course selfishness is characteristic of pro-sodomites who demand that society must make them comfortable with their vices under force of law.
What must McGreevey's wife have been thinking to hear this? Her husband is not only guilty of adultery but also one of the worst forms of the sins against the Sixth Commandment involving unnatural acts that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. And he, as a purported Catholic, is proud of it.
Where are the bishops of the flocks that include public sinners like McGreevey and San Francisco's Newsom and why do they allow them to blaspheme the Faith with impunity? Public promotion of mortal sin demands a public repudiation. People like McGreevey, Newsom, and John Kerry who, as a presidential candidate, promote the full program of a "culture-of-eternal-death," which is condemned by Holy Mother Church, have no right to call themselves Catholic. They are liars to do so!
Posted August 17, 2004

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