Consequences of Vatican II
The Golden Calf Dancers - I
The Post-Conciliar Liturgical Revolution
Kathleen Willet Redle, M.F.A.
There are some who feel insulated from the liturgical Conciliar Church Revolution. There are also those within the conservative establishment who object to the word “conciliar” or “post-conciliar” thinking it is a word created by Catholic traditionalists. Little do they realize that it was first introduced by one of the leading mutineers at Vatican II.
The Revolution within identifies itself
 Above, a "Clown Mass" that took place in Pleasant Hill, California. A mockery against the sanctity of the Mass. Below, the Tridentine Mass as it was before Vatican II.A striking contrast.
For evidence that the post-Vatican II fathers call themselves "conciliar" and that they recognize there is a crisis in the Church, here is a statement by Fr. Henri De Lubac, S.J. made at the Institute of Renewal in the Church at Toronto in 1967:
"It is clear that the Church is facing a grave crisis. Under the name of ‘the new Church,’ ‘the post-conciliar Church,’ a different Church from that of Jesus Christ, is now trying to establish itself; an anthropocentric society threatened with immanentist apostasy which is allowing itself to be swept along in a movement of general abdication under the pretext of renewal, ecumenism or adaptation."
This is rather odd given the fact that he was himself the chief proponent of the false "new theology" and its pathetic prophet Teilhard de Chardin. He was under censure during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII.
Also, Pope Paul VI himself identified the Church as not the Roman Catholic Church but as "the Church of the Council" in an address to the last General Meeting of Vatican II on Dec. 7, 1965 sec 11.
He said:
"The Church of the Council... has also, it is true, been much concerned with man, with man as he really is today, with living man …. we also more than anyone else, have the cult of man."
Paul VI made no effort to hide universal salvation in his closing remarks, stating:
"How could it be otherwise if this council was said to be and is ecumenical, that is to say, universal? Just as the sound of the bell goes out through the skies, reaching each one within the radius of its sound waves, so at this moment does our greeting go out to each and every one of you. To those who receive it and to those who do not, it resounds pleadingly in the ear of every man. From this Catholic center of Rome, no one, in principle, is unreachable; in principle, all men can and must be reached. For the Catholic Church, no one is a stranger, no one is excluded, no one is far away. Every one to whom our greeting is addressed is one who is called, who is invited and who, in a certain sense, is present. This is the language of the heart of one who loves. Every loved one is present!
“And we, especially at this moment, in virtue of our universal pastoral and apostolic mandate, we love all, all men. Hence, we say this to you good and faithful souls who, absent in person from this gathering of believers and of nations, are here present in spirit with your prayer. The Pope is thinking of you too, and with you he celebrates this sublime moment of universal communion” (Closing Address by Paul VI).
Universal salvation? Is that possible in light of Our Lord's command (Mark 16: 15-16)? Not if one believes salvation can only come through the one true Church outside of which there is no salvation - Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus. All other efforts to rationalize salvation are non-Catholic, and yet that is what has been forced on civilization for the past 40 years. The great conspiracy has penetrated every facet of society, but especially within the Church and, more specifically in the liturgy where novelty has taken over.
Oh, you'll often hear conservatives dismissing such “conspiratorial talk” with denials such as, “Not at my parish - we have an ‘indult’ Latin Mass parish,” or “Our parish has a reverent Novus Ordo Mass that has avoided altar girls, Eucharistic ministers, Communion in the hand and liturgical dance.” I might add there are too few parishes who can say they have none of those aberrations and novelties. Little do they realize that even if they don't have it now, well, their Bishop will see they have as soon as the present more conservative pastor is shipped out. It is inevitable. That is part and parcel of the revolution.
Is anyone really safe when the Church is in the throws of liturgical, doctrinal and moral revolutions? The world is not a safe place. One need only be reminded of 9-11, the War in Iraq, the terrible bombing in Madrid some weeks ago, and what is next? It is getting less safe and more dangerous because Satan is so powerful in these times. His agenda is almost complete, giving the evil one great satisfaction: God is ignored or reviled. Even those who attend an SSPX Mass or independent chapels can be affected in some way as the Revolution tries to bear down and swallow up the traditionalists in the wake of the storm. No one is safe in these times foretold in Sacred Scripture and by many credible prophets when the Prince of the World wields the meteorology of immorality.
The Barque of Peter in a tornado
 Vatican Council II represented a veritable hurricane for Holy Mother Church. |
These spiritual storms drown souls, plunging them into deep, murky waters where sharks lurk. That is why those on the storm-tossed ship must be ever vigilant and willing to man the masts and petition the Master to save us and calm the waves. Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary is our compass and weapon. Until Our Lord deigns in His time to calm the turbulent seas (Mark 4:38), it is up to us to keep the ship afloat. .One need only recall the mystical visions imparted to St. John Bosco to understand the present day situation.
One could use this metaphor in many ways - for instance over the past 40 years is it any wonder the admiral and his officers have, in effect, turned the ship over to ecumenism. This has created more innovations, which have created even more doubt. Consequently, the ship seems to be sinking. because the Conciliar Pontiffs have taken their eyes off Christ and His only true Church.
An admiral in distress
Look at our current admiral in distress. Can any traditionalist or conservative Catholic deny this after Assisi I and II? Cardinal Silvio Oddi affirmed his shock at what he witnessed to Tommasco Ricci:
 Above, John Paul II greets an African voodoo "priest" at the ecumenical encounter at Assisi, 1986.
Below, JPII in front of the Portiuncula at Assisi pursues his dream of being the head of a pan-religion. He stands as an equal with leaders of the false creeds.  |
"On that day .... I walked through Assisi .... and I saw real profanations in some places of prayer. I saw Buddhists dancing around the altar upon which they placed Buddha in the place of Christ and then incensed it and showed it reverence. A Benedictine protested and the police took him away .... There was obvious confusion in the faces of the Catholics who were assisting at the ceremony" (30 Days, November 1990, p. 64).
Even the conservative Fr. Brian Harrison affirmed his dismay in an titled “A Loyal Son Protest, Can a Loyal Catholic Ever Criticize the Pope?” :
"These agonizing question have been presenting themselves increasingly in recent years .... to people who like myself do not consider themselves in any way dissenters .... (then Fr. says he teaches at the Pontifical University) .... I am dismayed at the January 24 inter-religious peace gathering in Assisi. It is well-known that before the first such gathering in 1986, which played no small part in provoking the rupture between Archbishop Lefebvre and the Holy See in 1988, a number of Cardinals privately warned John Paul II of the imprudence of such an innovation - utterly unheard of in 2,000 years of Church History. Their concern was shared by thousands of faithful priests, religious and Catholic laity. Perhaps if we had publicly voiced that concern, instead of remaining silent out of fear and human respect, His Holiness might have felt the need for greater restraint in the next millennium. Despite certain precautionary nuances against syncretism .....
“The practical effect in the minds of millions of observers worldwide can only have been to create or reinforce the impression that the Roman Catholic Church now endorses what Pope Pius XI described as ‘the view that all religions are more or less good and praiseworthy....’”(Inside the Vatican, May 2003).
Then Fr. Harrison goes on to say that the “Pontiff invites Jewish, Islamic, pantheistic and polytheistic religious leaders to come and practice their respective form of worship inside Catholic churches religious houses,” that Catholics see nothing wrong with that view and are “lapsing gradually into Naturalism and Atheism” (as Pope Pius XI stated). So we can see this Naturalism at work with ICEL and the USCCB who want to bring on the “fancy dancers.” (ibid).
In Assisi 2002 the Pope, with other religious leaders, made “The Ten Commandments of Assisi for Peace” in which God’s name was missing. It was all about “dialogue” and non-violence, solidarity and friendship among peoples. Totally humanistic! A freemason would appreciate these secular commandments for peace.
Then consider the Inter-religious Fatima Shrine scandal that broke this past fall. This latest aberration has even awakened some conservative Catholics. Yes, they're expressing shock at the level of religious indifference, all in the name of world peace. Fr. John Echert, a fairly orthodox Novus Ordo priest from the conservative Novus Ordo EWTN website said
“If the story was accurate to intend to turn Fatima into an inter-religious, ‘center where all the religions of the world gather to pay homage to their various gods,’ then I condemn such a project as contrary to Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the whole spiritual message of Our Lady of Fatima, who called instead for the conversion of sinners and the consecration of Russia, not the honor of false gods and the promotion of false religions.”
To those who might doubt this is where the ecumenical progressivists are headed, I invite you to read from the various documented articles available at The Fatima File website.
Several dedicated priests, especially Fr. Nicholas Gruner, who calls for the proper consecration as Our Lady asked, are persecuted by Church authorities. World peace is a worthy goal to be sure, but it is of far less importance compared to the primary goal of the Catholic Church which is to “save souls from the fires of Hell.”
It seems that there are too many Prelates these days who are of the highly misguided view that very few are going to that fiery pit. Rather than realizing their grave error, they focus their attention on worldly things, and are far more concerned with earthly peace and the threat of nuclear holocaust, landmines, and tolerance so we can all get along. Didn’t Blessed Mary say that, unless mankind becomes better, whole nations will be annihilated? The actions of the modern Shepherds - from the top in Rome to the local parishes - seem to be trying to placate geopolitical tensions through the use of syncretistic religious prayer services.
The infrangible truth is that only Christ can bring true peace on earth if His social Kingship is restored; otherwise wars and rumors of wars will continue.
Vatican II – The excuse for novelties & change

Big Bird greets children at the altar to welcome them to a "children's Mass" at Clonard Monastery in Northern Ireland. |
Through the ‘pastoral’ Vatican II Council, the Bishops have purposely neglected the barnacles of error and not scraped away the anathemas. Thus, the great ship is weighed down heavier by the bilge that rots beneath.
The progressivist priests abandoned their regular sacerdotal tasks to take on what, to them, seemed more important, thus placing the entire universal Church in great jeopardy. First, they created new costumes and a new interpretation of the doctrine, altering the previous teachings which changed the direction the Church had always pointed towards for nearly 2000 years. Next, they changed the Mass to fit their new religion of diversity, pluralism, and New Age Humanism, thus creating an unparalleled disaster in Church History.
While the great Barque of Peter has faced violent storms in the past, they pale in comparison with the Tsunami that has resulted from the revolution of Satan's last hurrah. This historical disaster is even worse than Arianism because it is as the great and holy Pope Saint Pius X called it: “Modernism - a synthesis of all heresies.”
The apostasy is even more appalling because it seems to have reached even the Seat of Peter - the Vatican itself, as another concerned Sovereign Pontiff foresaw. Pope Leo XIII predicted in the uncut version of his St. Michael the Archangel Exorcist Prayer.
A new and revolutionary Mass
This Conciliar Religion represents a New Age Humanistic mentality, whose prophets are Teilhard de Chardin and Hans Küng. Its rituals and rites are sensual gnostic songs, intercultural and inter-religious prayer services and neo-pagan dancing.

A dance ritual with sensual and occult hues is performed on the altar of St. Sebastian's Church in Akron with the permission of Cleveland Bishop Anthony Pilla
These pagan novelties have been successfully introduced by the revolutionaries into the Novus Ordo Mass because the following were removed: Christ as the center in the tabernacle, and the words of consecration “for the many” - pro multis, which was replaced with “for all” - pro omnibus. This fits in with the belief in universal salvation.
To placate the Protestant mentality and to blur the line between the sacerdotal office and the laity's demand for more ‘democracy’ and decision-making, “the Mystery of Faith” - mysterium Fidei was taken out of consecration itself and placed into the liturgy after the transubstantiation had taken place, with the laity appearing to confirm the action of the priest. That is totally non-Catholic in every way! Only the priest can confect the Sacrament, and only in the infallible words finalized by Trent and placed in perpetuity by Saint Pius V in his papal decree Quo primum.
To cover this all up and further weaken the Church, the altar rails were eliminated. The Holy Communion railings were always meant to indicate the separation between the Holy/Sanctuary and the secular/court of the laity, with the priest as sacrificer in the person of Christ - alter Christus in the ancient and universal Latin language.
To further erase this concept, it was necessary for these progressivist priests to teach false arguments. They started to spread that the Church is only returning to her original customs. Under this ruse they introduced Communion in the hand, lay lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and then altar girls. These innovations facilitated others such as considering the priest as a mere president over the community celebration, the exclusive usage of the vernacular language, and the increasing participation of laity in the “Eucharistic Service.” To justify this last point, the priest shortage is often alleged. Even if it is objective, it seems to have been orchestrated to follow the progressivist agenda..
This priest shortage is closely linked to the moral crisis in the clergy and seminaries. The facts that demonstrate this crisis are revealed in Michael Rose's book Good bye, Good Men. In it, he unravels and lays bare the morally corrupt liberal seminary directors and the banishment of the morally upright and orthodox candidates who were disgusted with the rampant homosexuality among their fellow students. For a magnificent explanation of how this rampant homosexuality came to be so harmful, Atila Sinke Guimarães's Vatican II, Homosexuality & Pedophilia holds the answers.

Buddhist style meditation postures have been adopted for Mass by the ecumenical international community founded in 1940 in Taizé, France |
We can see that the universal salvation message of the ICEL – the Taizé community, which has been a chief instigator of protestantizing the New Mass translation, is a sinking ship in and of itself. Sadly, recently Brother Roger of the Taizé community and one of the original Protestant ministers who was a key perito in drafting the Novus Ordo text, met privately with John Paul II (Zenit, March 21). Paul VI couldn't see the danger and evidently the present day Pope doesn't either. What will it take for the conciliar Popes to realize that this whole experiment has veered far off track?
In an article titled “The Attractiveness of the Tridentine Mass,” Cardinal Alfonso Stickler discusses the protestantizing of the Mass and mentions that Jean Guitton, a friend of Paul VI, said his purpose was to “assimilate as much as possible of the new Catholic liturgy to Protestant worship” (Latin Mass Magazine, Summer 1995). Then, to directly quote Mr. Guitton in Christian Order, October 1994:
“The intention of Pope Paul VI with regard to what is commonly called the Mass, was to reform the Catholic Liturgy in such a way that it should almost coincide with the Protestant liturgy. ... There was with Pope Paul VI an ecumenical intention to remove, or at least to correct, or at least to relax, what was too Catholic in the traditional sense, in the Mass and, I repeat, to get the Catholic Mass closer to the Calvinist mass...”

The Chinese pagan ritual of opening a new year was enacted during a Mass at the Los Angeles Cathedral. What next? |
After the revolutionaries throw out everything sacred (in the hopes of drawing people back who left in droves with exciting shows) , they replace the holy with everything profane - including the kitchen sink; Rock Masses, Polka Masses, Life Teen Masses, Folk Masses, Clown Masses, Ball park Masses and Beach Masses, Children’s Masses, everything but the over 1000 year old Canonized Mass of Pope St. Gregory the Great and St. Pius V.
A special “indult Latin Mass” had to replace what was already canonized at the dogmatic Council of Trent and established in perpetuity in Quo primum. This Conciliar Church reminds one of Anne Catherine Emmerich’s prophecy of a secret sect seeking to tear down the Church and build a Tower of Babel intended to replace the Roman Catholic Church. We only want our Hierarchy to behave like they are Catholic successors of the Apostles, not like U.N. representatives.
The Novus Ordo parishes and schools are emptying out because people know something is wrong. They just can’t articulate it. Yet the progressivists continue with their innovations. They are determined to sink the Barque of Peter but deny any complicity, for they plan to far away from the Barque when it goes down, drifting on their own hapless rafts with hopes of hearing the final gurgle of the Ship going down.
In their progressivist blindness, they fail to realize the Barque cannot sink because of Christ's promise (Matt 16: 18). He never said the Barque would not be battered and tossed to and fro, and that there could never be bad admirals at the helm. Even Peter denied Christ three times. Will we join the progressivists in denying Him, or will we cling to the True Barque and do all we can to keep its keel steady?
It seems that we are witnessing a momentous challenge to Our Lady. The progressivist current, which is dominating the Catholic Church from the top, is trying to completely dishonor and discredit the message of Our Lady in Fatima. Let me point out three major steps of this attempt.
Posted April 20, 2004
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