Consequences of Vatican II
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Ridding the Church of Conservatives
In another spontaneous in-plane interview during his flight from Armenia to Rome on June 26, 2016, Pope Francis threw out a slew of explosive remarks: the “intentions of Martin Luther were not mistaken,” “Lutherans and Catholics agree on the doctrine of justification,” perhaps “Christians owe ‘gays’ an apology for past mistreatment.”
The typical uproar followed: confused “explanations” from the Vatican spokesman and the progressivists justifying his remarks and hot critiques from the ever growing anti-Francis conservative sector.
Pulling out nails & waiting for resignations
Less than two weeks later, on July 5, Francis made clear what he thinks of the latter group, which includes traditionalists like us, and how he plans to deal with the clergy who would keep him from pursuing his “vision” for the Church.
“What is your relationship with ultra-conservatives in the Church?” an Argentine journalist from La Nacion asked the Pope in the interview.
“They do their work and I do mine,” he responded, thereby admitting the two camps. ”I want a Church that is open, understanding, that accompanies families who are hurting,” he continued. “But, they say no to everything.” The opposition doesn’t bother him: “I continue my course without looking over my shoulder.”
No, there is no turning back for Francis, just straight forward enforcing the agenda of the Revolution.
And how does he deal with the criticism that comes from ecclesiastical ranks? “I don’t cut off heads,” he said. He has another method. With a broad smile, he revealed it, “You remove nails by putting pressure on the top. Or you set them aside to rest when they reach retirement age.”
Little by little, Francis plans rid the Church of what remains of the “conservative” wing in the Hierarchy and make appointments that promote his inclusive “pastoral” approach toward the false religions, homosexuals, immigrants, the ecology, etc.
Two recent initiatives set the tone of his plan.
Cupich in the Chicago Archdiocese
On July 7, yesterday, Francis named Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago to the Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops, a position that gives him a strong voice in naming the next generation of Bishops in the U.S. and around the world. It is this Vatican Congregation composed of 30 senior Prelates that submits recommendation for new appointments of Bishops to the Pope, who almost always accepts the proffered names.
The other American in the Congregation is the very progressivist Card. Donald Wuerl of Washington DC, replacing Card. Raymond Burke who was peremptorily removed by Francis in December 2013. Clearly Burke was one of those “nails” that needed removing in the Church edifice.
If readers recall, Wuerl was selected by Francis to be a member of the drafting committee for the final documents of his two Synods of Bishops on the family. Like Francis, he welcomes a “more open approach” for the divorced and remarried to receive Communion. He is also a strong supporter of admitting homosexuals in the Church and approving their lifestyle.
And what about the newly appointed American “bishop-maker” Card. Cupich? Relying on the “inviolable” nature of conscience, Cupich has stated publicly that he believes divorced and remarried couples could be permitted to receive the sacraments. Regarding homosexual “couples,” he believes they must be accompanied and welcomed in the Church with openness and understanding…
After the “Orlando massacre,” as the media has dubbed the killings at the homo nightclub, Cupich did not waste a moment to reach out to the “gay and lesbian” community to express his sympathy and solidarity with its members. Quoting Card. Ratzinger’s letter issued 40 years ago that deplored the fact that some homosexual persons are the object of violent speech or crimes, he strongly condemned intolerance against homosexuals. He also took the opportunity to call for gun control, which he named one of the “root causes” of such massacres.
Cupich followed up his initial statement with a letter addressed to the AGLO (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach). “Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,” Cupich wrote, “I stand with you.” He cited his strong outreach to the homo community as an attempt to emulate the example set by Pope Francis.
Like Card. Wuerl, Cupich has called for allowing divorced and civilly remarried Catholic to receive Communion in certain cases where conscience permits.
This appointment strengthens the progressivist wing in the U.S. At age 67, Cupich will be attending the monthly meetings of the Congregation of Bishops for a long time.
Accepting the resignation of anti-LGBT Cardinal
We can see the second part of the Francis plan to eliminate bothersome Prelates with traditional attitudes regarding the modern pastoral in the case of an anti-LGBT Dominican Cardinal. The Vatican announced July 4 that Francis had accepted the resignation of Card. Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez, the Archbishop of Santo Domingo.

Card. López has raised the ire of the homo community with his public remarks against the openly “gay” and “married” U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic James Brewster. Card. Lopez has called Brewster a “faggot” and chided him for the last two years for promoting homosexuality in the Domincan Republic. The Cardinal even organized a “Black Monday” protest against Brewster where Catholics were asked to show their opposition to Brewster by tying black ribbons on their cars.
To these laudable attempts of the Cardinal to stem the homosexual agenda in his country, the U.S. media and Obama Democrats have responded with severe criticism. In December 2015, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., went so far as to send a letter to Pope Francis asking him to intervene on behalf of the sodomite ambassador to stop the verbal attacks.
It is unknown whether the Vatican responded to Durbin’s letter. Instead, Francis bided his time and waited for the resignation letter of Card. Lopez. One day after Ambassador Brewster took part in Santo Domingo’s Pride parade, the Vatican announced Lopez’ resignation.
His replacement to be chief Primate of the country was a surprise appointment of a little known Bishop from a small Diocese, Bishop Francisco Ozoria Acosta. He has already assured the press he follows the more open and welcoming “pastoral” style of Francis and is a “passionate follower of Vatican II.”
Looking at the increasingly progressivist ranks of the present day Vatican, one can only wonder how a Catholic renovation and restoration can take place. Only the intervention of God and the chastisement of momentous proportions predicted by Our Lady at Fatima could clean such an accumulation of filth in the Church.
The typical uproar followed: confused “explanations” from the Vatican spokesman and the progressivists justifying his remarks and hot critiques from the ever growing anti-Francis conservative sector.
Pulling out nails & waiting for resignations
Less than two weeks later, on July 5, Francis made clear what he thinks of the latter group, which includes traditionalists like us, and how he plans to deal with the clergy who would keep him from pursuing his “vision” for the Church.

The Church should apologize to ‘gays’
“They do their work and I do mine,” he responded, thereby admitting the two camps. ”I want a Church that is open, understanding, that accompanies families who are hurting,” he continued. “But, they say no to everything.” The opposition doesn’t bother him: “I continue my course without looking over my shoulder.”
No, there is no turning back for Francis, just straight forward enforcing the agenda of the Revolution.
And how does he deal with the criticism that comes from ecclesiastical ranks? “I don’t cut off heads,” he said. He has another method. With a broad smile, he revealed it, “You remove nails by putting pressure on the top. Or you set them aside to rest when they reach retirement age.”
Little by little, Francis plans rid the Church of what remains of the “conservative” wing in the Hierarchy and make appointments that promote his inclusive “pastoral” approach toward the false religions, homosexuals, immigrants, the ecology, etc.
Two recent initiatives set the tone of his plan.
Cupich in the Chicago Archdiocese
On July 7, yesterday, Francis named Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago to the Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops, a position that gives him a strong voice in naming the next generation of Bishops in the U.S. and around the world. It is this Vatican Congregation composed of 30 senior Prelates that submits recommendation for new appointments of Bishops to the Pope, who almost always accepts the proffered names.

Culpich made Archbishop of Chicago & Cardinal, now he is also a bishop-maker at the Vatican
If readers recall, Wuerl was selected by Francis to be a member of the drafting committee for the final documents of his two Synods of Bishops on the family. Like Francis, he welcomes a “more open approach” for the divorced and remarried to receive Communion. He is also a strong supporter of admitting homosexuals in the Church and approving their lifestyle.
And what about the newly appointed American “bishop-maker” Card. Cupich? Relying on the “inviolable” nature of conscience, Cupich has stated publicly that he believes divorced and remarried couples could be permitted to receive the sacraments. Regarding homosexual “couples,” he believes they must be accompanied and welcomed in the Church with openness and understanding…
After the “Orlando massacre,” as the media has dubbed the killings at the homo nightclub, Cupich did not waste a moment to reach out to the “gay and lesbian” community to express his sympathy and solidarity with its members. Quoting Card. Ratzinger’s letter issued 40 years ago that deplored the fact that some homosexual persons are the object of violent speech or crimes, he strongly condemned intolerance against homosexuals. He also took the opportunity to call for gun control, which he named one of the “root causes” of such massacres.
Cupich followed up his initial statement with a letter addressed to the AGLO (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach). “Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,” Cupich wrote, “I stand with you.” He cited his strong outreach to the homo community as an attempt to emulate the example set by Pope Francis.
Like Card. Wuerl, Cupich has called for allowing divorced and civilly remarried Catholic to receive Communion in certain cases where conscience permits.
This appointment strengthens the progressivist wing in the U.S. At age 67, Cupich will be attending the monthly meetings of the Congregation of Bishops for a long time.
Accepting the resignation of anti-LGBT Cardinal
We can see the second part of the Francis plan to eliminate bothersome Prelates with traditional attitudes regarding the modern pastoral in the case of an anti-LGBT Dominican Cardinal. The Vatican announced July 4 that Francis had accepted the resignation of Card. Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez, the Archbishop of Santo Domingo.

Archbishop Lopez strongly condemned ‘gay’ U.S. Ambassador: below center, he at a pride parade

To these laudable attempts of the Cardinal to stem the homosexual agenda in his country, the U.S. media and Obama Democrats have responded with severe criticism. In December 2015, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., went so far as to send a letter to Pope Francis asking him to intervene on behalf of the sodomite ambassador to stop the verbal attacks.
It is unknown whether the Vatican responded to Durbin’s letter. Instead, Francis bided his time and waited for the resignation letter of Card. Lopez. One day after Ambassador Brewster took part in Santo Domingo’s Pride parade, the Vatican announced Lopez’ resignation.
His replacement to be chief Primate of the country was a surprise appointment of a little known Bishop from a small Diocese, Bishop Francisco Ozoria Acosta. He has already assured the press he follows the more open and welcoming “pastoral” style of Francis and is a “passionate follower of Vatican II.”
Looking at the increasingly progressivist ranks of the present day Vatican, one can only wonder how a Catholic renovation and restoration can take place. Only the intervention of God and the chastisement of momentous proportions predicted by Our Lady at Fatima could clean such an accumulation of filth in the Church.

Posted July 8, 2016