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Chant de Fidélité

French Royalist Song

Chant de Fidélité (Song of Fidelity) is a French Royalist song from the period of the French Revolution. In the darkest hours of France, a remnant of the faithful resisted the bloody onslaught of the revolutionary forces.

The Catholic men of the Vendée stood up in arms against the infernal columns and fought to defend family, honor, the King and God. Hearing the iconic owl hoot of the Chouannerie (the Vendée Catholic insurgence), these men left their homes and embarked on their fight like the Crusaders of old. Many of them never to return.

Chant de Fidélité is a song for the fighters of the French Vendée, but can also be applied to those who fight for the Counter-Revolution in our own day and age.

It is here sung by the Choir Montjoie Saint Denis.

Listen to Chant de Fidelite

French Lyrics:

Des hommes à l'âme vile,
Chassant le sceptre et la croix,
Ont imposé dans nos villes,
Le reniement de la Loi.
Mais pour que toujours sur terre,
Reste un point de ralliement,
D'âge en âge sont fidèles,
Les hommes de notre sang.

Fidèles aux voix de l'âme,
Des bois, du roc et du sang;
Fidèles à la vrai flamme,
Fidèles à leurs enfants,
Lorsqu'a chanté la chouette,
A l'ombre de nos halliers,
Ils sont partis pour la quête,
Du Graal et du Chevalier.

Les ennemis de la Messe,
Ont bafoué la raison.
Semé le doute, la détresse,
Au cœur de nos maisons.
Ils ont traqué les bons Pères,
Voulu souiller nos enfants,
Mais le chœur des âmes fières,
Triomphera dans le vent.

Quand les autres trahiront,
Camarades soyons fidèles.
Défendons la tradition,
Luttons pour l'Europe nouvelle.
Vrais héritiers des nobles Francs,
Fidèles à Dieu et au Roi,
La lutte pour nos descendants,
Emplit nos esprits de joie.

Vrais héritiers des nobles Francs,
Fidèles à Dieu et au Roi,
La lutte pour nos descendants,
Emplit nos esprits de joie.

English translation:

The men with a vile soul,
Hunting the scepter and the cross,
Have imposed in our cities,
The denial of the Law.
But so that always on earth,
A rallying point remain,
From age to age are loyal,
The men of our blood.

They are faithful to the voice of their soul,
Of their woods, mountains and blood;
Faithful to the true flame,
Faithful to their children,
At the moment when the owl hooted,
In the shadow of our thickets,
They left for the quest,
Of the Grail and the Chivalry.

The enemies of the Mass,
Have violated reason.
Have sown doubt and distress,
In the heart of our homes.
They have hunted down the good Fathers,
Wanting to defile our children,
But the choir of proud souls,
Will triumph in the wind.

When others betray,
Comrades, let us be faithful.
Let us defend tradition,
Let us fight for a new Europe.
We are the true heirs of the noble Francs,
Faithful to God and to the King,
The fight for our descendants,
Fills our spirits with joy.

We are the true heirs of the noble Francs,
Faithful to God and to the King,
The fight for our descendants,
Fills our spirits with joy.

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Henri de Larochejaquelin

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