Dos and Don'ts in Photos
Point de Vue, July 5, 2006 | |
Do keep your jacket buttoned
In our casual times when any pretext - usually labelled "practical reasons" - suffices to give us an excuse for undressing and breaking every formal custom of Christendom, it is edifying to see an example of the opposite coming from the top. The photo above shows us Prince Charles in a suit and tie, having his double-breasted jacket duly buttoned. Is the occasion a formal affair of State? No, he is merely choosing vegetables at a farmer's market.
The revolutionary mentality that idolizes sports and the casual insists that we cannot possibly function normally unless dressed in shorts/blue-jeans and a T-shirt. That more formal clothing "interferes with our activities." However, Prince Charles - who by the way is an excellent sportsman - not only easily manages to wear a jacket to a farmer's market, but he even keeps it closed.
A jacket should be the normal attire of a gentleman, and it should always be worn buttoned, especially during ceremonies or when in the company of his superiors or ladies.
Do wear a jacket and tie as much as possible, and keep your coat buttoned.
Alexis Reyes
Posted June 19, 2008

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