Right to Life - Environment
Climate Change Calls for A Reengineering of Religions
Juan Sanahuya, Argentina
From November 2 to 4, 2009, an unusual meeting took place at Windsor Castle hosted by Prince Philip of Edinburg [husband of Queen Elizabeth], president of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC),
and attended by Ban Kimoon, UN Secretary General. The meeting is being called “The Windsor Event.”
 Prince Philip and Ban Kimoon call on world religions to protect the earth. Below, a coalition of reps process around Windsor Castle to open the conference
Also present were representatives of religious around the world, who signed “the first broad-scale international commitment to conserve the environment involving the participation of all religions. Its goal is to adjust the behavior and attitudes of the faithful in order to protect nature for future generations.” This great commitment pretends to be the religious contribution to the International Conference on Climate Change promoted by the UN, which is presently taking place in Copenhagen (December 7-18, 2009).
The Windsor Commitments fill a volume of about 200 pages and is titled Many Heavens, One Earth - Faith Commitments to Protect the Living Planet. The title of the publication alone reveals the syncretism and Pantheism that permeates it, even though these errors try to hide behind the idea that each signer only commits to a plan of action that accords with his particular doctrine.
Among the signers were members of the Baha’i faith community, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and the syncretist groups Green Faith, Operation Noah and Regeneration Project.
The Protestant and Schismatics representatives included the Church of England, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Polish Orthodox Church, the Church of Norway, the Quakers of the United Kingdom and various denominations from Asia and Africa.
The following Catholic institutions were represented: the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales; the Franciscan Family (sic), the Society of Jesus, ROAR (Religious Organizations Along the River), a network of religious women organized to “save” the Hudson River, the Benedictine Order, the U.S. Coalition on Climate Change (a coalition of 13 institutions including two departments of the US Conference of Bishops).
In many of the plans proposed at the meeting, the Catholic Religion appears like a cult to Earth. For example, the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales committed to oblige prayer journeys in the Catholic schools of Great Britain on Earth Day. Ecological models for constructing schools, churches and monasteries were treated as if they were problems of Faith and Morals. Some goals of the green proposals, such as the “salvation” of the Hudson River, received more attention than what is given to Catholic teaching and the formation of religious men and women.
The Windsor Commitments were adopted by the United Nations Program for Development and were sponsored by the World Bank, the Worldwide Fund for Nature and other ecologist institutions.
We hope that the representatives of Catholic institutions present at the Windsor Event - no members of the Hierarchy attended - were exceeding their mandates when they signed that document. Let us see if any Bishop protests to avoid scandal among the faithful, many of whom would like the Hierarchy to make it explicitly clear that some of the so-called Catholic representatives present are not in communion with the Church.
For example, what can be said about Chris Bain, Director of CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development), an official agency of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales? Bain manages the CAFOD budget - of around 47 million sterling pounds – but has openly promoted contraception in Third World countries as an adviser to OXFAM. Also, can signer Mark Dowd be considered a Catholic? This ex-Dominican friar, today a movie director, supports Operation Noah, an organization of UK churches concerned with climate change and the environment
Let us not forget that it was Philip of Edinburg who introduced the book A Global Ethic by Hans Küng when it was presented at the Parliament of World Religions and the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland). A Global Ethic and the Earth Charter are intended to be the moral framework of the New World Order, replacing the Ten Commandments.
 Signers of the Faith Commitments for the Environment programme include representatives from the Catholic Church |
Posted December 9, 2009

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