Heading to People in the Likeness of the Devil - Graphic photos The angel, demon & god identities
The Next Step to the Demonic: Elf/Alien People The fae, elf and alien identities
The Insane ‘Otherkin’ Identity & the ‘Furry’ Frenzy People now are identifying as non-humans & animals
The Monstrous ‘Gender Spectrum’ Theory Acceptation of complete fluidity between the sexes
Terms & Procedures in the Transgender Revolution The mass possession of the youth
How Noisy the World Has Become The need for silence to develop the contemplative spirit
Men & Smoking: What's All the Hullabaloo About? The Revolution wants to destroy a good pastime for men
The Music of Today's Generation: A Downward Trend? From its start in the 1920s, a constant spiral down to the Satanic
Gucci's New Campaign Promotes the Demonic Man's rejection of reason ends in a Satanic life
Noble Miscegenation: An Authentic 'Inculturation' Analyzing two marriages of Spanish grooms & Inca brides
Lumena Alien Baby Doll A creature from Hell for your home
Lockdowns Destroying What is Left of Classical Music The China virus gives pretext to attack a fruit of Christendom
Obituary of Rock – A Succession of Tragedies Suicides and tragic deaths of many rockers - not a coincidence
The 2019 March for Life: An Ecumenical Woodstock Daring a small critique of a 'sacred cow' event
Heavy Metal: Origin & Main Bands Steeped in an occult and Satanist 'spirituality'
The Aristocrat & the Jetsetter A modern social elite that hides its distinction
Free-Love & Agnostic Rockstar Praised by Vatican Newspaper Vatican eulogizes 60s rocker Van Morrison & his music
 | Mere Physical Comfort vs. Moral Well-being To nourish the spirit is more than mere comfort of body
‘Fecal Matter’ or Satanic-Alien Fashion The fifth & final Revolution makes its shocking appearance in fashion
Highly Aristocratic Institutions They fulfill a need of every people, even democratic Americans
Tension & Repose in the Semblance of a Saint An analysis of two photos of Pope St. Pius X
East & West: Wise Interpenetration of Values Four sons of a Maharaja illustrate well the start of such an exchange
Natural Uprightness & Satanism in Pagan Civilizations The devil does not dominate all of pagan culture
Christmas in Italy, Germany & Brazil: Three Types of Contemplation Three different ways of commemorating Christmas
Ambiences, Customs and Barbarism A vivid picture of Communism's hatred for the Church & Christian Civilization
Is the Guardian Angel Less Intelligent than the Devil? A romantic art depicts the good angel as soft, insipid & unintelligent spirits
Considering Types of Ideal Music A way to diminish the heaviness of life & think about Heaven
 | The Vatican’s Nostalgia for the Beatles Praising their revolution that unleashed the era of free love & drugs
 | Franz Joseph Receiving Wilhelm II & the German Princes Two worlds & two Germanies reflected in a painting
 | Myth & Transcendence The Catholic man seeks in everything the higher reality
 | Androgynous David Bowie Glorified by the Vatican Burning incense at the altar of an occult rock star
 | Rock 'n Roll - Satanic Music
Part 1 - Its Origins & Its Promoters Born to glorify the sexual act & liberate lower instincts
Part 2 - Its Evolution to Hard & Acid Rock Direct link between rock, drugs & the occult
Part 3 - Rock's Subliminal Satanic Messages Are Unmasked Words, rhythm, signals & lights violate one's consciousness
Part 4 - Examples of Subliminal Messages in Rock Music Testimonies of rock stars confessing their techniques
Part 5 - From Subliminal to Direct Messages Satanic messages are spread without dissimulation
Part 6 - Witchcraft, Voodoo, Rock & Disco These groups are funded by the Illuminati
Part 7 - Entering the Battle against Rock Practical measures & good counsels for formation of youth
 | Heading toward the Public Cult to Satan The devil Baphomet is unveiled in Detroit and Lucifer comes to LA
 | We Must Admire Superior Patterns of Living To pretend our own pattern of living is the top is revolutionary
 | How to Not Be a Vulgar Man The counter-revolutionary must look for the sublime in everything
 | Do Not Throw the Bread of Children to Dogs Intimacy with animals is degrading to humans
Hierarchy, a Principle the Revolution Is Increasingly Rejecting The classroom ambiance should correspond to education's noble purpose
 | Potpourri of Beauty Personal taste in beauty reflects a man's primordial light
What about Krampus Night? The revived Alpine custom takes a pagan Satanic turn
Jesus Is with Us, Whether the Left Likes It or Not Only Christ can save us in an increasingly chaotic world
Is a Library Just a Deposit for Books? Or is it also a symbol of the dignity of spirit?
Hellfest: Festival of Mental Illness Tattoos, piercings & scarifications reveal serious mental disorders
 | Catholic Mainstream Enters the Frenzy Youth follow feelings, not intellect and will, at the WYDs
 | Pagan Manliness & False Christian Patience The softness and false piety of Renaissance art
 | The Role of Symbols, Pomp & Richness in Life Response to a call for a "classless" monarchical court
 | Poverty & Richness: Harmonic Extremes in the Church’s Firmament Two aspects of the Church that complete each other perfectly
Elegance & Dexterity Conquer Brute Strength & Matter Count Potocki tames an indomitable stallion
France’s New ‘First Mistress' The Socialist President says marriage is a 'bourgeouis institution'
The Splendor of Hierarchy in Catholic Life Customs emphasizing the beauty of the superior-inferior bond
 | Simplicity vs. Vulgarity A poverty illuminated by the light of Christ & smile of Our Lady
 | Heroism, Grace & Beauty Impressions of the Tower of Belem in Portugal
 | Aristocratic Tone in Everyday Life Pius XII recommends we have it at home and in society
 | The Children’s Greeting Lessons of respect in a 19th century German painting
 | Be Wise as Serpents and Simple as Doves The animal world has lessons for man
 | Egalitarianism and Vulgarity A pratical way to understand and combat them
 | When Should We Love Sinners & When Should We Hate Them? Commentary on a text of St. Thomas Aquinas
 | The ‘Good-Hearted Man,’ A Romantic Deformation of Charity The egalitarian tendencies of the ‘good-hearted’ man
 | L’Osservatore Romano: Two Thumbs Up to Harry Potter Vatican newspaper implicitly approves black magic
 | The Difference the Habit Makes… The great loss of dignity of a post-Vatican II sister
 | Decay of Gravitas in the Church Clergy - Part 1 From St. Dominic to Cardinal Richelieu
 | Decay of Gravitas in the Church Clergy - Part 2 From Bossuet to the modern clergy
 | Three Faces of the Revolution Analyzing the tendencies of Luther, Robespierre & Che Guevara
 | How Children Are Unconsciously Being Deformed... A critical review of the revolutionary jellybelly called BeanBoozled
 | The Principle of Gradualism, The Devious Law for Evil to Progress The gradual process of the masculinization of women
 | What Is Not Catholic in the Chartres Pilgrimage? Concessions to the Cultural Revolution give bad example for youth
 | A Disrespectful and Empty Refutation Response of Fr. Paul Sretenovic to Michael Matt on the Chartres Pilgrimage
 | Harry Potter Film Praised by Vatican Newspaper A 4-star rating for a film that makes casting spells look fun
 | The High Moral Damage of Rock Music The idolization of Michael Jackson is a symptom of a corrupt society
 | Latin: No Longer a Dead Language An interest in Latin resurges among today's youth
 | John Lennon, Prophet of the Devil How the Beatles shaped the habits and thinking of our times
 | Vatican Approves John Lennon: An Ill-timed Act As student faith declines, the Vatican commemorates the beatles' White Album
 | The Key to Happiness A slide show that reveals a marvelous perspective of life
 | An Australian Coach for the Queen A grand gesture by an artisan from the people
 | Changing the Meaning of Words How the Revolution aims to debase noble or distinguished words
 | The Lutheran and Calvinist Mentalities Different vices of Protestantism for different types of persons
 | Nobility and Accessibility: Keys of Catholic Charity A charming Belgium Princess showing true Catholic charity
 | Refuting the Anti-Catholic Lies of the E-Pamphlet "Life in the 1500's" It's not true that people didn't bathe in the Middle Ages; and replies to other lies...
 | The Taste for the Macabre in Today's Art Putrid members of animals and slices of human bodies presented as art
 | Satanism in the Man's Domain Horror figures on swords and daggers offered in mainstream catalogues
 | The Subtle Invasion of Satanism American liberalism is allowing Satanism to spread under the cover of “art”
 | The "Supernatural" in Modern Society Under the pretext of religious liberty, Satanism is protected in modern legislation
 | Harry Potter and the Fight between Good and Evil Books and movies to make children accept magic and Satanism
 | TV in the Waiting Room An increasing addiction to the televison everywhere
 | Satanism and the "Incompetent Roman Curia" Ritual murdering by the Beasts of Satan members shocks Italy
 | Charismatics, Devils, and Modernists Description of the French and American Charismatic movements
 | The Nefarious Power of Television Why invite a wicked and immoral guest into your home?
 | Satanism on the Rise But the final victory will belong to Our Lady
 | The Debasement of Knighthood Mick Jagger dubbed knight by the Queen of England
 | Trivializing Holy Things Quick overview on the desacralization in the Conciliar Church
 | The Ohwellian Society On the cowardice of the silent majority
 | Nothing New in the New Age Some superstitions and pagan beliefs of the movement