Formation of Children
‘Sex Week’ at Yale
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
To realize just how far the sexual revolution has progressed in modern universities, one need look no further than “Sex Week” at Yale. Founded in 2002 and billed as a sex education program, the student-organized event pretends “to help students reconcile sexual issues in their own lives.”
To start with, the very name of the program assumes students are and should be engaging in sexual relations reserved for married couples. The cover of its promotional brochure - too indecent to picture here - features a provocatively-posed almost-nude young woman, a Yale senior majoring in psychology. What the cover reveals is the intent of the event: to titillate, to break down “inhibitions,” to entertain and laugh about a topic that was considered private and very serious in times not so long ago.
 A young Yale student laughs unabashedly as a sex toy saleswoman shows her a product. Below, a young man takes part in a demonstration before a crowd of youths of both sexes.

Yale’s 2006 event - which is being copied in other universities across the country - included lectures by sex therapists, a homosexuality discussion led by a former Roman Catholic priest, an interview with a porn star, a striptease class by a past Playboy hostess, and a lingerie show. There were other sessions too inconvenient to mention, but apparently not too unusual for today’s young men and women, who assisted at these spectacles in mixed company and with complete ease. At a crowded session filled with laughing students, a sex toy saleswoman showed pornographic products and handed out free samples to an eager uproarious crowd.
In practical and direct terms, this event was a week to promote free love sponsored by one of the most prestigious universities in the United States.
What does it say about the state of morals at such educational institutions? It is very simple: there are no more morals. Even the most serious or reserved topics are open for discussion and the object of hilarity.
One wonders what is more shocking: Is it the absolute degradation of such a student event? Or the complete lack of moral barriers among the students?
Other questions also come to mind: How is it possible to transform Yale into a kind of sex shop? Is it just a youth extravaganza, or are the university officials and professors accomplices in this depravity pulling strings behind the scenes? Why doesn’t the Catholic authority in the area condemn such a scandalous event so harmful to the souls of its flock? Where are the indignant and upright young men and women protesting such behavior? What about the parents? Will they use the power of the purse to cut tuition funding and alumni bequests to reprimand such debauchery? I hope something happened, but I haven’t found any reaction that would prove the existence of some moral health.
Such an event accepted without a proportional indignant reaction is a sign that our Western World has reached a stage of decay that normally characterizes the end of a civilization or a people. The Church Fathers wrote about the moral degradation of the Romans before they ceased to exist as a great people.
In his famous work, The City of God, St. Augustine describes that in the 5th century of the Empire he knew, everyone was allowed to eat, drink and indulge themselves day and night as much as they pleased. The noise of dancing was everywhere, the theatres resounded with lewd merriment and every kind of cruel and vicious pleasure. However, the one who was regarded as a public enemy, was the one who rightly rejected these pleasures or tried to interfere with them (Book II, chap. 20). The 5th century saw the destruction of the Roman Empire by the Barbarians, and the inauguration of a new order, whose vital center was the Catholic Church.
Rome, for all its grandeur in culture and art was still a pagan civilization. The nations of Christendom have spurned a much greater good, the glorious customs and morals of Catholic Civilization. One can only expect the resultant chastisement to be much greater.
Until this punishment comes, it is far better not to send your children off to Ivy League schools or those that mimic their decadent activities, despite the social and career advantages of having degrees from these institutions. They run the serious risk of being dragged into this abyss of immorality.
Posted March 8, 2006

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