Video Collection on Vatican II
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TIA's First Biennial Event - 2017
How Ambiguity & Tolerance
Are Destroying the Catholic Church
Below is the transcript of the speech given by Mr. Atila Guimarães on the January 22nd 2017, at the Grand Ball Room of the Summit House in Fullerton, California. The event was organized to celebrate the publication of the entire collection Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani.
Reverend Msgr. Patrick Perez, reverend priests: dear Fr. Paul Sretenovic and Fr. Joseph Coletti; ladies and gentlemen.
In the celebration of the end of this Collection on Vatican II I want my first words to be ones of gratitude.
Gratitude to Our Lady, Dr. Plinio & supporters
Gratitude to Madonna del Miracolo, Our Lady of the Miracle, to whom I dedicated this work when I was in Rome in 1983 and wrote its first line at her feet. To her I owe the supernatural help that enabled me to overcome the countless obstacles that appeared in my way to prevent this work from being achieved.
I thank her from the depths of my heart. I am perfectly aware that, without her miraculous help, it would have been impossible for this Collection to come to the good end it has reached.
I express my gratitude to my Mentor, the illustrious Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, to whom I owe everything I have of Catholic spirit and Catholic formation. It was he who first conceived the idea of this Collection and assigned me to write it. I consider that this work is not only mine, but also his, since he carefully followed each step of my writings and gave me close orientation to develop almost all of the major theses of this Collection.
Before I started the work, I asked him to write the first words of Volume I, and I also asked him to write the last words after I concluded volume XI. On one of these panels I have posted photocopies of these words with due translation. He carefully edited volume I, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, and he was preparing to travel to France with me to edit the other Volumes when he died in 1995. I wish he were here to celebrate with us; I am sure that he would be very glad. I deeply miss his presence here, but I hope he is watching our celebration from a better place and blessing it.
This Collection could never have been published in English without the noble dedication and hard work of Dr. Marian Horvat. In 1997, she translated to English and published In the Murky Waters; she oversaw its second edition by TAN books. She also translated the next five volumes after I moved to the United States in 1999.
When I was able to translate the last five Volumes, she was the indispensable editor who made their English presentable for a scholarly audience. I thank her for her exemplary collaboration. May Our Lady reward her in this life and in the next for what she has done in defense of Holy Mother Church.
Moving from Brazil to the U.S., I could not find a more suitable place to work than the house of Mr. Patrick Odou in Montebello. To study, to write, to translate and to prepare the many steps required for the publication of a book, I needed concentration. It was the generous hospitality of Mr. Odou that gave me and TIA the logistic conditions for this Collection to be translated and published. To him I manifest my gratefulness.
I am also appreciative of my other companions of TIA for the many parallel intellectual and artistic works they contributed for the completion of this Collection.
Generous donors – several are here this afternoon – made it possible for TIA to go to press every time a book was finished, without delays. May Our Lady maternally repay their generous gifts.
To all of you present here, who made the effort to travel in order to participate and bring prestige to this event, I owe a sincere thank you.
An incredible hatred
When I was invited to say some words at this celebration, I wondered what I could articulate in a short speech that would summarize the large number of topics addressed in this Collection. I wondered what I could say that would be a sort of legacy of this lifetime effort
I believe that there is one point, easy to explain and to retain, that can serve this purpose. It is what most impressed me during these 34 years of work.
I have never before seen and even I could never have imagined the amount of hatred I encountered against the Holy Catholic Church, as she was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ and gradually developed in History until Vatican II.
The Gospel says of Our Lord that He grew in grace and sanctity; so did the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ: she grew more and more perfect in History. Her doctrine became increasingly more universal, her morals holier; her hierarchical structure constantly more refined; her laws more efficient; her ceremonies more sacral, her customs richer, her influence more encompassing over the entire world.
One could say that, in the ensemble of her features, the Catholic Church, after 19 centuries of History, was the true reflection of Christ. When this point of perfection was reached, Divine Providence decided to confer upon her a special gift: It revealed the true Face of Christ in the Shroud of Turin. It was a way God had to express that her development had suitably reflected His Face.
These same characteristics that inspire our enthusiasm and veneration for the Church, raise in progressivist theologians and prelates hatred and desire to destroy. I found in my studies an unthinkable hatred against each one of these characteristics.
First, I was surprised; then, those manifestations of fury were so frequent that I listed them in order to understand the reasons for such a hatred and to categorize them in order to counter-attack. The result of that list was the four volumes of this Collection that deal with the animus injuriandi and the animus delendi – the desire to offend and the desire to destroy the Catholic Church.
The hate is so complete that there is nothing in the Church that these theologians want to keep as it was. They want to change absolutely everything: dogmatic doctrine, morals, exegesis, liturgy, canon law, spirituality, social doctrine and even the past Catholic interpretation of History. They want to destroy this ensemble of truths, which represents the soul of the Church. They also want to disassemble the body of the Church: her institutions, her laws, her discipline, her customs and even the architectural style of her churches and buildings.
But, different from their predecessors – the Liberal Catholics and the Modernists – the present day Progressivists do not openly clash with the previous language of the Church. They are much more subtle, conserving the same traditional words of the past. However, when they use these words, they mean something totally different.
New concepts for traditional words
Let us analyze how completely different concepts can be encapsulated in the same words:
Let us take the concept of sin – When we Catholics say that we bear in our souls the weight of original sin, which inclines our wills to commit other sins, we believe that Adam was a perfect man, who was created by God in His image and likeness and enjoyed the possession of many preternatural and supernatural gifts when he was in Paradise. Afterwards, Adam sinned and, since he is the father of all of us, mankind received the consequences of that sin. This is our share in original sin. Our actual sins are bad acts that our wills choose to do, against the precepts God gave us to obey.
For Progressivists the word sin means something very different. They believe that Adam was not created perfect, but was a more evolved ape that, at a certain moment, became aware of his own existence. This embryonic sprouting of reason in him was something extraordinary that the Progressivists regard as a qualitative leap in the process of evolution – an evolution they deem divine. For the Progressivists, it makes no sense to talk about an original sin in our first parents because those primitive men did not have the full use of reason. So, for them, there was no original sin.
Then, what is the actual sin for them? It is everything man does that raises an obstacle to prevent evolution from taking its next step. If this evolution is divine, to follow it is to follow the will of God. To place an obstacle to it, is to sin. The prophet or the saint is the one who is able to glimpse or live before-hand the next phase of evolution; the sinner is the one who struggles to halt the process of evolution and, still worse, the one who wants to return to the past. We traditionalists are, therefore, the very consubstantiation of sin.
Let us look, now, at the concept of Redemption – When we Catholics say that Our Lord Jesus Christ came to redeem mankind, we think of God the Son who took flesh and suffered in order to expiate the offense Adam had made against God and to open the door of eternal salvation man had closed by his disobedience.
The Progressivists use the same word, but they understand redemption differently. They say that Christ was a man who opened a new step in the process of evolution. According to this theory, mankind, after progressing on the path of evolution, became mature enough for another qualitative leap. This is what Christ did. Parallel to that leap by which the ape became man, then, man became divine in Christ. Christ is, therefore, the second Adam, the first man to become God. He opened the way for another phase of mankind and invited all men to follow his example.
They say that because of our non-evolved stage, we believe that we are just men and Christ is God, but actually, all of us will be exactly like Him when mankind together will make the next leap and enter the stage He opened for us.
This is what Redemption is for them.
Another word: Grace – We Catholics consider grace a created gift, a supernatural help that God gives us to allow us to participate in His divine life. It is a means to cure our defects, to help us find our way to Him, to unite us with Him in this life and to prepare us to be eternally with Him in Heaven.
For the Progressivists, grace is an energy that animates the process of evolution in order to make man ascend to its next steps.
These are only three words; almost all the words of Catholic doctrine, today have different meanings for the progressivist Church. But, with these three examples, we can see that we are witnessing the clash of two different mentalities, which use the same words but defend completely opposed religions. The Catholic mindset has been replaced by the Progressivist mentality using the same words.
For me it was extremely impressive that two completely antagonistic philosophies and religions could express themselves with the same words.
Let us suppose that we are looking at the Shroud of Turin with great attention and devotion. As we gaze at it, we see that something is changing and that, under those same features, little by little the face of Satan appears.
We look at it again and it changes back to show us the Face of Christ. Then, again, we pay close attention and that demonic face appears. This gives you an idea of the problem. I believe that this strong metaphor applies to this case because the words of Catholic doctrine reflect the Divine Word, just as the features of the Shroud of Turin reflect the Face of Christ.
This is what is happening with the words of our Holy Faith. They take on different meaning as we pay more attention to them.
The face behind the plot to destroy the Church
I realized that this was an exceptionally astute tactic. This maneuver can fool almost every well-intentioned person. Imagine, for example, that a progressivist Bishop is spreading this bad doctrine and someone reacts against it. He can respond: “I am just repeating what the Church always taught.” He steps back and waits until the suspicious Catholic lowers his guard, and, then, he continues to teach the same wrong doctrine.
The heresies of the past based themselves on some few concepts expressed by a few words. Now, we are facing an onslaught against the Catholic Faith that changes all the concepts using the very same words we profess in the Creed and that we observe in Morals.
It was difficult for me to realize that this was a planned maneuver. First, I thought I was going crazy. How is it possible to have two opposed religions that use the same words? I was afraid that my mind would explode.
Then, after much prayer, Our Lady helped me to understand the maneuver and I realized that someone with an extraordinary hatred and incomparable intelligence had planned it, an intelligence that is hardly a human intelligence.
Tolerance - the key concept
To understand the origin of this hatred and this maneuver, we have to go back in time to the pontificate of Leo XIII, when he had that famous vision in which he saw Satan challenging Our Lord. According that prophecy, Satan arrogantly told Our Lord that he could destroy the entire Church if Our Lord would give him a certain period of time: 100 years.
In order to describe the strategy the Devil chose to destroy the Church, let us analyze what was happening at the time of that revelation.
At the time of Leo XIII, Liberalism had infiltrated the Church and had become Modernism; after Leo XIII, St. Pius X exposed and condemned Modernism; it received a strong blow and went underground, entering a sort of catacombs for a period. Some 20 or 30 years later, it became Progressivism. But it was much more careful when it came back to the light. This time the progressivists tried to use the same words of Catholic doctrine to avoid a new condemnation. Today Progressivism dominates the Church and is destroying everything it can in her.
The use of the same words is part of a strategy, but what is the fundamental framework for the attack of the Devil against the Church?
What do these three movements have in common?
The fundamental position of Liberalism, Modernism and Progressivism is to attack the past intransigence of the Catholic Church and her militancy. They were – and are – proponents of tolerance. We all know that tolerance can be a virtue. A father who tolerates the defects of his son for a while and tries to correct them in a good way before they become dominant, exercises the virtue of tolerance.
But, again, for Progressivism tolerance means something different. It means to make the truth similar to error; good similar to evil; virtue similar to vice; beauty similar to ugliness and even man similar to woman. In brief, tolerance for Progressivism means to make the Catholic Church similar to the world that she should influence and similar to the heresies she should combat.
Tolerance is the key-word, the key-concept for the plan of Satan to destroy the Church. This is the strategy he is applying for more than 100 years since, through Liberalism, he introduced this false tolerance into the Church.
Like tolerance, other words are being used along the same lines, words such as love, mercy, charity.
Do not be fooled. These words do not reflect the love of God, the mercy of God and a real charity for our neighbor. They have different meanings. Look at the fruits they produce and reject them.
They are being used as psychological weapons to finish destroying the Catholic Church. They do not reflect true love, but hatred, a Satanic hatred that is trying to accomplish that challenge made more than one century ago.
I end with this practical conclusion, which is also an invitation: Insofar as we love and promote intransigence and militancy in the Church, we stop this satanic Revolution and prepare the glorious times of the Reign of Immaculate Heart of Mary. To the degree that we are complacent with and promote this false tolerance, we become part of the reign of Satan, which he is struggling to impose over the Church and the entire world.
This is what I wanted to communicate to you.
Thank you.
In the celebration of the end of this Collection on Vatican II I want my first words to be ones of gratitude.
Gratitude to Our Lady, Dr. Plinio & supporters
Gratitude to Madonna del Miracolo, Our Lady of the Miracle, to whom I dedicated this work when I was in Rome in 1983 and wrote its first line at her feet. To her I owe the supernatural help that enabled me to overcome the countless obstacles that appeared in my way to prevent this work from being achieved.

Atila dedicated the work to Our Lady of the Miarcle at her altar in Rome in 1993
I express my gratitude to my Mentor, the illustrious Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, to whom I owe everything I have of Catholic spirit and Catholic formation. It was he who first conceived the idea of this Collection and assigned me to write it. I consider that this work is not only mine, but also his, since he carefully followed each step of my writings and gave me close orientation to develop almost all of the major theses of this Collection.
Before I started the work, I asked him to write the first words of Volume I, and I also asked him to write the last words after I concluded volume XI. On one of these panels I have posted photocopies of these words with due translation. He carefully edited volume I, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, and he was preparing to travel to France with me to edit the other Volumes when he died in 1995. I wish he were here to celebrate with us; I am sure that he would be very glad. I deeply miss his presence here, but I hope he is watching our celebration from a better place and blessing it.
This Collection could never have been published in English without the noble dedication and hard work of Dr. Marian Horvat. In 1997, she translated to English and published In the Murky Waters; she oversaw its second edition by TAN books. She also translated the next five volumes after I moved to the United States in 1999.

The author with his mentor Prof. Plinio in 1982
Moving from Brazil to the U.S., I could not find a more suitable place to work than the house of Mr. Patrick Odou in Montebello. To study, to write, to translate and to prepare the many steps required for the publication of a book, I needed concentration. It was the generous hospitality of Mr. Odou that gave me and TIA the logistic conditions for this Collection to be translated and published. To him I manifest my gratefulness.
I am also appreciative of my other companions of TIA for the many parallel intellectual and artistic works they contributed for the completion of this Collection.
Generous donors – several are here this afternoon – made it possible for TIA to go to press every time a book was finished, without delays. May Our Lady maternally repay their generous gifts.
To all of you present here, who made the effort to travel in order to participate and bring prestige to this event, I owe a sincere thank you.
An incredible hatred
When I was invited to say some words at this celebration, I wondered what I could articulate in a short speech that would summarize the large number of topics addressed in this Collection. I wondered what I could say that would be a sort of legacy of this lifetime effort

The author delivering his speech
I have never before seen and even I could never have imagined the amount of hatred I encountered against the Holy Catholic Church, as she was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ and gradually developed in History until Vatican II.
The Gospel says of Our Lord that He grew in grace and sanctity; so did the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ: she grew more and more perfect in History. Her doctrine became increasingly more universal, her morals holier; her hierarchical structure constantly more refined; her laws more efficient; her ceremonies more sacral, her customs richer, her influence more encompassing over the entire world.
One could say that, in the ensemble of her features, the Catholic Church, after 19 centuries of History, was the true reflection of Christ. When this point of perfection was reached, Divine Providence decided to confer upon her a special gift: It revealed the true Face of Christ in the Shroud of Turin. It was a way God had to express that her development had suitably reflected His Face.
These same characteristics that inspire our enthusiasm and veneration for the Church, raise in progressivist theologians and prelates hatred and desire to destroy. I found in my studies an unthinkable hatred against each one of these characteristics.

A hatred that changes even the architecture: a space-ship cathedral in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
The hate is so complete that there is nothing in the Church that these theologians want to keep as it was. They want to change absolutely everything: dogmatic doctrine, morals, exegesis, liturgy, canon law, spirituality, social doctrine and even the past Catholic interpretation of History. They want to destroy this ensemble of truths, which represents the soul of the Church. They also want to disassemble the body of the Church: her institutions, her laws, her discipline, her customs and even the architectural style of her churches and buildings.
But, different from their predecessors – the Liberal Catholics and the Modernists – the present day Progressivists do not openly clash with the previous language of the Church. They are much more subtle, conserving the same traditional words of the past. However, when they use these words, they mean something totally different.
New concepts for traditional words
Let us analyze how completely different concepts can be encapsulated in the same words:
Let us take the concept of sin – When we Catholics say that we bear in our souls the weight of original sin, which inclines our wills to commit other sins, we believe that Adam was a perfect man, who was created by God in His image and likeness and enjoyed the possession of many preternatural and supernatural gifts when he was in Paradise. Afterwards, Adam sinned and, since he is the father of all of us, mankind received the consequences of that sin. This is our share in original sin. Our actual sins are bad acts that our wills choose to do, against the precepts God gave us to obey.
For Progressivists the word sin means something very different. They believe that Adam was not created perfect, but was a more evolved ape that, at a certain moment, became aware of his own existence. This embryonic sprouting of reason in him was something extraordinary that the Progressivists regard as a qualitative leap in the process of evolution – an evolution they deem divine. For the Progressivists, it makes no sense to talk about an original sin in our first parents because those primitive men did not have the full use of reason. So, for them, there was no original sin.
Then, what is the actual sin for them? It is everything man does that raises an obstacle to prevent evolution from taking its next step. If this evolution is divine, to follow it is to follow the will of God. To place an obstacle to it, is to sin. The prophet or the saint is the one who is able to glimpse or live before-hand the next phase of evolution; the sinner is the one who struggles to halt the process of evolution and, still worse, the one who wants to return to the past. We traditionalists are, therefore, the very consubstantiation of sin.
Let us look, now, at the concept of Redemption – When we Catholics say that Our Lord Jesus Christ came to redeem mankind, we think of God the Son who took flesh and suffered in order to expiate the offense Adam had made against God and to open the door of eternal salvation man had closed by his disobedience.

Progressivists understand redemption as the final great leap in evolution, when man becomes god
They say that because of our non-evolved stage, we believe that we are just men and Christ is God, but actually, all of us will be exactly like Him when mankind together will make the next leap and enter the stage He opened for us.
This is what Redemption is for them.
Another word: Grace – We Catholics consider grace a created gift, a supernatural help that God gives us to allow us to participate in His divine life. It is a means to cure our defects, to help us find our way to Him, to unite us with Him in this life and to prepare us to be eternally with Him in Heaven.
For the Progressivists, grace is an energy that animates the process of evolution in order to make man ascend to its next steps.
These are only three words; almost all the words of Catholic doctrine, today have different meanings for the progressivist Church. But, with these three examples, we can see that we are witnessing the clash of two different mentalities, which use the same words but defend completely opposed religions. The Catholic mindset has been replaced by the Progressivist mentality using the same words.
For me it was extremely impressive that two completely antagonistic philosophies and religions could express themselves with the same words.

A shocking metaphor to describe the progressivist movement in the Church
We look at it again and it changes back to show us the Face of Christ. Then, again, we pay close attention and that demonic face appears. This gives you an idea of the problem. I believe that this strong metaphor applies to this case because the words of Catholic doctrine reflect the Divine Word, just as the features of the Shroud of Turin reflect the Face of Christ.
This is what is happening with the words of our Holy Faith. They take on different meaning as we pay more attention to them.
The face behind the plot to destroy the Church
I realized that this was an exceptionally astute tactic. This maneuver can fool almost every well-intentioned person. Imagine, for example, that a progressivist Bishop is spreading this bad doctrine and someone reacts against it. He can respond: “I am just repeating what the Church always taught.” He steps back and waits until the suspicious Catholic lowers his guard, and, then, he continues to teach the same wrong doctrine.

Devils plotting against the Church
It was difficult for me to realize that this was a planned maneuver. First, I thought I was going crazy. How is it possible to have two opposed religions that use the same words? I was afraid that my mind would explode.
Then, after much prayer, Our Lady helped me to understand the maneuver and I realized that someone with an extraordinary hatred and incomparable intelligence had planned it, an intelligence that is hardly a human intelligence.
Tolerance - the key concept
To understand the origin of this hatred and this maneuver, we have to go back in time to the pontificate of Leo XIII, when he had that famous vision in which he saw Satan challenging Our Lord. According that prophecy, Satan arrogantly told Our Lord that he could destroy the entire Church if Our Lord would give him a certain period of time: 100 years.
In order to describe the strategy the Devil chose to destroy the Church, let us analyze what was happening at the time of that revelation.
At the time of Leo XIII, Liberalism had infiltrated the Church and had become Modernism; after Leo XIII, St. Pius X exposed and condemned Modernism; it received a strong blow and went underground, entering a sort of catacombs for a period. Some 20 or 30 years later, it became Progressivism. But it was much more careful when it came back to the light. This time the progressivists tried to use the same words of Catholic doctrine to avoid a new condemnation. Today Progressivism dominates the Church and is destroying everything it can in her.

Tolerance for bad morals, clothing, customs introduced at the World Youth Days
What do these three movements have in common?
The fundamental position of Liberalism, Modernism and Progressivism is to attack the past intransigence of the Catholic Church and her militancy. They were – and are – proponents of tolerance. We all know that tolerance can be a virtue. A father who tolerates the defects of his son for a while and tries to correct them in a good way before they become dominant, exercises the virtue of tolerance.
But, again, for Progressivism tolerance means something different. It means to make the truth similar to error; good similar to evil; virtue similar to vice; beauty similar to ugliness and even man similar to woman. In brief, tolerance for Progressivism means to make the Catholic Church similar to the world that she should influence and similar to the heresies she should combat.
Tolerance is the key-word, the key-concept for the plan of Satan to destroy the Church. This is the strategy he is applying for more than 100 years since, through Liberalism, he introduced this false tolerance into the Church.
Like tolerance, other words are being used along the same lines, words such as love, mercy, charity.
Do not be fooled. These words do not reflect the love of God, the mercy of God and a real charity for our neighbor. They have different meanings. Look at the fruits they produce and reject them.
They are being used as psychological weapons to finish destroying the Catholic Church. They do not reflect true love, but hatred, a Satanic hatred that is trying to accomplish that challenge made more than one century ago.
I end with this practical conclusion, which is also an invitation: Insofar as we love and promote intransigence and militancy in the Church, we stop this satanic Revolution and prepare the glorious times of the Reign of Immaculate Heart of Mary. To the degree that we are complacent with and promote this false tolerance, we become part of the reign of Satan, which he is struggling to impose over the Church and the entire world.
This is what I wanted to communicate to you.
Thank you.

Posted July 26, 2021
![]() Volume I |
![]() Volume II |
![]() Volume III |
![]() Volume IV |
![]() Volume V |
![]() Volume VI |
![]() Volume VII |
![]() Volume VIII |
![]() Volume IX |
![]() Volume X |
![]() Volume XI |
![]() Special Edition |
