Today we complete our
inaugural Tower of Trent Tributes alphabetically among the three lay
honorees of the fifteen charter members of the Tower of Trent Hall
of Honor. Though "G" would not normally qualify for last in the
alphabet, it does in this case and yet, though last, he is
definitely not least for this editor owes his convictions to the
irrefutable syllogisms Atila Sinke Guimarães laid out and
backed up. This quiet quotient Master whispered wisdom on the pages
of his books and articles that shouted from the rooftops the very
fact that what took place at the Second Vatican Council was not a
Renewal of the Faith but an insidious Revolution to destroy the True
This native Brazilian was born in Rio de
Janeiro on May 19, 1946 to Conceição Sinke Guimarães. His
father , Junot Guimarães was a military officer who reached
the level of General until he retired; only to come out of
retirement to become Secretary of Security for his native state of
Paraná. He later became president of the state telecommunication
company and then Security Director of a large bi-national power
plant on the border of Brazil and Paraguay, called Itaipu. Atila's
father, still alive today at 93, comes from a long established
family in Curitiba, the capital of Paraná. His nationality is
Portuguese and Spanish, which is very common in Brazil. The name
Guimarães, common in Portugal and Brazil, is derived from the city
in north Portugal which was one of the first Portuguese cities after
the country separated from Spain in 1139.
Atila's mother, who, in her early 70's passed
on to her Heavenly reward in 1985, was of Spanish and German blood.
Sinke is the name of his mother's great-grandfather, who migrated to
Brazil from Prague when it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire,
Atila is a Hungarian name and, as he himself puts it, "I would
characterize my mentality as primarily German with different facets,
Brazilian, Hungarian, and Spanish." The ancestry of the family has
been staunchly Catholic for at least 150 years and Atila's strongest
influence in his early years was his dear grandmother Etelvina
Villamil Sinke who was a very, very good Catholic and so patient
in her sufferings. She lived with Atila, his parents and his older
sister Aglaé, born in 1943. The etimology of his sister's
name is derived from one of the three graces of Greek mythology.
During his grandmother's last eight years of her life she was
disabled in a wheelchair and Atila tended to her, growing closer to
her and learning his Catholicism first-hand through her suffering
and by her example. She had a tremendous impact on young Atila.
In his earliest years, Atila had moved around a
lot in compliance with his father's military orders, for family
traveled with the officers to places that took them to the extreme
south of Brazil in Rio Grande do Sul, and then to Paraná and
eventually to Berlin, Germany. On their return to Brazil, the family
settled down in Curitiba where Atila enrolled in the Marists
Brothers School, spending seven years studying what Americans would
call junior and senior high school. At 15 he became interested in
the anti-communist cause for the Marists at that time were still
well-oriented toward Catholic truth and kept the
counter-revolutionary position of Blessed Marcellin
Champagnat, a strong fighter against the influence of the French
Revolution. The Marists' History classes praised the Crusades and
the Middle Ages and they held a strong devotion to Our Lady
and a true love for Holy Mother Church. These attributes helped mold
his strong Catholic formation. In his senior year he was elected
president of an anti-communist political association at the high
school. Readers need to realize that at that time in 1964, Brazil's
president was a communist. The high school group became involved in
public reaction against him and that brought Atila into contact with
some young men from TFP, who were promoting a petition against
agrarian reform, one of the main banners of communism. Friendships
were formed and soon they were interacting. It was through the TFP
that Atila learned about a book Revolution and
Counter-Revolution by Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
in 1964. To say this book strongly influenced Atila's life would be
an understatement. As Atila admits after reading the Professor's
book, "I quickly realized that the crises of both Christendom and
Catholic Church were the fruit of a conspiracy. A Revolution had
been planned and secretly executed against the ideals I had always
loved. I became indignant with the Revolution and its agents, and I
decided to dedicate my life to destroy them."
Ah, the vigor and zeal of youth and Atila had the energy to carry
out his pledge. In his late teens while the second session of
Vatican II was under way, everything in his life began to take
purpose for he was able to meet the man who would be his long-time
friend and mentor, the outstanding Brazilian Catholic leader
Professor Plinio, who, as Atila relates, "expounded a unique
panorama of the Philosophy of History, in which the present-day
crisis of the Church inserts itself as the last, and most important
assault on the centuries-old enemies of the Catholic Church and
Christendom." Just as St. Timothy learned from St.
Paul, as St. Augustine was tutored by St. Ambrose,
and the Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas gained his great
knowledge from the inspiration of St. Albert the Great, so
also Atila would learn at the master's knee, so to speak, for he
realized the importance of the fight for the Faith and that the
Professor held the torch of truth. Professor Plinio had challenged
his pupil to be exact, to leave no stone unturned and took the young
and eager student under his wing. Atila moved to Sao Paolo to begin
a course of Catholic studies under the Professor. He dedicated
himself to the study of History, Psychology, Sociology, the
Philosophy of History and contemporary religious analysis. As if
this weren't enough, at the same time he undertook the necessary
theological points to understand these matters. In 1972 he wrote his
first book The Human Process, dealing with the psychology of
the human search for the Absolute order to fulfill man's need for
plenitude, which in theological terms, was man's need of God.
Atila matured in mind and spirit, clinging to
the Truths and Traditions while others vacated the great altars to
accept the tables of the Novus Ordo novelties that spread
like wildfire throughout the world. The more the bishops and priests
endeavored to propagandize the new mass, the more Atila cringed. In
1973 Professor Plinio invited Atila to be a member of a select study
commission which he led. Atila became its secretary and often
prepared the lectures for the commission which was dedicated to
studying various topics with the aim of understanding the Revolution
in its deepest roots as well as finding more efficient ways to
counter-attack it. Atila prepared summaries of the studies compiling
them into 42 volumes and organized an index for the ensemble. In
addition to his scholarly formation, the Professor was preparing him
well - for this work provided Atila the opportunity to acquire a
method of analysis so that he could distinguish and judge topics in
a straightforward and orderly way. This has become a benchmark of
his books and writings.
When John Paul II was elected Pope in
1978, Atila so hoped he would end the madness that was raging out of
control, but soon he realized Cardinal Karol Wojtyla was one
of the engineers of the Vatican II agenda. Four years into his
pontificate, Professor Oliveira entrusted his work and the task of
examining Vatican II with a fine tooth comb. Atila was the perfect
choice for this theological cosmetologist would not split hairs. He
had traveled with the Professor throughout Brazil, proving himself
an outstanding, brilliant student of Plinio's wisdom. In 1982 the
Professor knew his pupil was ready and so he asked Atila to give a
symposium on the theology and philosophy of Teilhard de
Chardin. Successfully completing this, Atila was now ready for
the final mammoth task asked by the Professor: to begin analyzing
Vatican II. After studying the 16 documents and the philosophical
and theological background of the Council, he gave another two-week
After that the next project was something that
might seem impossible on the surface, but became possible only
through Atila's drive and persistence. That was to get first-hand
interviews with the very persons who had been part of the
Revolution. This entailed that Atila travel back to Europe in 1983
and throughout the next decade to find out why and how the new had
usurped so much. Exhibiting the passion of an investigative
reporter, he wanted to hear from the horse's mouth, so to speak, and
set up interviews with the very architects of the Council,
interviewing theologians and periti from the mighty to the
least. Naturally he did not tip his hand that he was a Traditional
Catholic, at that time a steady member of the TFP in Brazil. Keeping
that veiled from the very ones who so veiled the truths at Vatican
II served him well, for they were more than happy to be candid. He
was a veritable Barbara Walters in getting his subjects to
drop their guard and divulge things they would never have admitted
had they known who they were talking to. He met twice with
Cardinal Yves Congar who played such an influential role in
forcing through 12 of the final 16 documents of Vatican II and who,
in fact, was one of the chief architects of the Revolution. Atila
also met with Cardinal Henri de Lubac as well as Hans
Kung, Cardinal Christopher von Schönborn and Fr.
Dominique Chenu. In addition, Atila was able to garner an
extensive interview with the editor of the Jesuit publication La
Cattolica, Fr. Giovanni Caprile, S.J. who had penned the
most comprehensive chronicle of the Council at that time. One
interview Guimarães just missed out on was with Fr. Karl
Rahner who just a few days before Atila was to meet with him in
Munich, suffered a severe heart attack. With every interview, which
Atila recorded for posterity, he could clearly see that the more he
uncovered, the greater he realized what he had to do. He began to
write, and to write, and to write some more. By 1991 he had written
eleven volumes in his native Portuguese language of his collection
which he titled Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani? He chose that
title for seemingly God had forsaken His Church. Though we know that
is not true, the words of Our Lord in Matthew 27: 46 and Mark
15: 34 perfectly illustrated the true Catholic's plight in the face
of the devastating changes since Vatican II.
Atila could see how Liberation Theology was
ravaging his beloved Brazil and the rest of South and Central
America. His up close and personal talks with Congar confirmed the
cardinal's vision was exactly the direction the Church was taking
and it was definitely not Catholic. With every year, indeed
practically each month Atila would go back and fine tune his work as
he updated his facts with what was happening in the Church. He knew
instinctively the only way to fight against this evil was as a
counter-revolutionary in the very same manner of the Catholic
counter-reformation of Trent for Atila knew it was the Revolution
that was behind the current changes in the Church which has veered
so far from the true path and contradicted so many doctrines and
past infallible papal decrees. He began recruiting others who had
the same noble goals in mind, which led him to his association with
a distinguished Ph.D. lady from the plains of Kansas. It came about
through a sad event: the death of the Professor in 1995.
In the mid 90's he began working with
Dr. Marian Therese Horvat whom as a supporter of the TFP, had
translated and edited various works of the Professor's into English.
With the death of Professor Plinio, they decided to collaborate and
to perpetuate the memory of this great Catholic leader. It began
with a statement, actually an ad, Atila had written in response to
San Francisco Archbishop John Quinn in a talk he gave in
Britain at Oxford in which the progressive prelate spoke about the
future of the church and what needed to happen to the papacy. The
Wanderer published the piece the day after Christmas in 1996.
The following year an agreement was struck between Dr. Horvat and
Atila to publish his first volume in English -
The Murky Waters
of Vatican II but first it had to be translated and edited.
Marian holds a degree in Journalism and a Master's and Doctorate in
Medieval History from the University of Kansas. In addition, she is
fluent in multi languages. Thus she was the perfect cooperator for
this important project as they formed Tradition
In Action. Atila attributes her input as playing a "decisive
role in the translation, the publication, and the dissemination of
this book." Atila traveled to the U.S. in 1998 to follow-up on
publishing the second edition of his book since it had been so well
received in the Traditional community. A year later he moved
permanently to the U.S. following a rift with the TFP over Atila's
publishing his work in English. In 1999, thanks to the generosity of
an old friend Patrick Odou invited Atila to live and work in
Southern California. Since then he has been working in close
collaboration with Marian in their non-profit organization Tradition
in Action, formed in the mid-nineties.
Before moving permanently to the west coast,
Atila began corresponding with John Vennari of Catholic
Family News who had written a most favorable review of The
Murky Waters of Vatican II which greatly enhanced circulation of
the book. John invited Atila to do a review of Notre Dame University
professor Dr. Ralph McInerny's book on Vatican II. Vennari
published it and thus began the association with CFN that continues
to this day. Once in the U.S., Atila was introduced to Michael
Matt, editor of The Remnant whose father Walter
Matt was enshrined into the Tower of Trent Hall of Honor
posthumously a few weeks ago on these pages. Michael invited Atila
to become a regular contributing writer to the pages of The
Remnant and worked in collaboration with Michael, John and
Marian to co-author two benchmark statements of the Traditional
traditional bonds had been fused as Atila affirms, "The
collaboration with these two distinguished journalists became closer
when we decided to publish together - the three of us plus Dr.
Horvat - a statement declaring our position of resistance to the
novelties of Vatican II and the things that came from it that did
not harmonize with the prior Pontifical Magisterium of the Catholic
Church." This, of course, was their daring work We Resist You to
the Face which alerted this editor to the Catholic truths of
what they wrote in echoing what St. Paul said to Peter when the
latter was wrong.
A year later they joined forces again
to publish Urgent Plea: Do
Not Change the Papacy - a follow-up to the alarming trend
taking place and what Quinn and many other bishops had set in
motion. Atila graciously granted us permission to publish on these
pages of The Daily Catholic the entire work in 2002.
It was in the Spring of 2001 that I first
discovered Atila's work and that had a great bearing on us walking
out of the Novus Ordo forever on Ash Wednesday of that year.
Like a gigantic puzzle the pieces were beginning to fit together
after our pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, Lourdes and Rue du Bac in the
early summer of 2000. The Blessed Mother promises healing at
Lourdes and, in addition to being healed of a severe blood clot
there, we had a spiritual healing in which God opened the doors for
us to truly see what was happening in the Church and why. We began
to realize what we must do, but, as is normal for human nature,
second thoughts started to creep in over the magnanimity of the
decision we had to make. The release of the Third Secret of Fatima,
which we knew was a fabrication just by its contents, was a definite
eye-opener and the appointments of the German progressivists
Cardinal Karl Lehmann and Cardinal Walter Kasper among
other questionable selections in the Consistory of early 2001 was
not only a definite red flag, but the proverbial straw that broke
the camel's back. We had had enough.
As a personal testimony to the impact Atila's
works have had, the reality that Vatican II was a bad tree and not
from God hit us hard at first, especially in light of the fact we
had been among the most staunch promoters of "John Paul the Great."
Our first reaction to Atila's claims would naturally be of denial
and to castigate him as a narrow-minded integrist who was outside
the Church. But, the fact of the matter is that it rang true because
this editor was weaned on the same truths in Assumption School in
Richfield, Minnesota in the 50's and imbued with solid Catholic
doctrine during my 7 years of seminary with the Oblates of Mary
Immaculate. Another fact was that the most reverent Mass we had
attended was in 1989 at St. Joseph's Church, a Society of St. Pius X
chapel in San Antonio. It had bothered me from that day on that what
soothed my soul, what nourished me and fulfilled me in the way no
"Eucharistic celebration" could, and what I was brought up on was
now wrong. Yet, blinded by blind obedience we stayed clear of the
SSPX from that day forward because we were led to believe they were
in schism and therefore no longer Catholic. Oh, what a tangled web
the devil weaves.
With all this in mind, I took up Atila's open
challenge to readers to prove him wrong. Okay, I thought, it's time
to do some detective work. The deeper Cyndi and I delved, the
more Atila's facts rang true. What impressed us in reading every one
of his works to date is the unmistakable, rock-solid documentation
he always provides that cannot be denied. When he says it, you can
count on it being so because he has the facts to back it. With this
realization we knew we had to do what our Board of Directors warned
us not to do: turn The Daily Catholic into a totally
Traditional Catholic publication. Despite the fallout of six of the
Board members resigning, we had the support of our Spiritual
Director Father Al Svobodny, OMI and our legal counsel
Martin Sweeney. Forming a quorum we voted to go forward. The
first matter was to shut down the site which we did with a long
summer issue while Cyndi and I began to research, pray, read, pray,
and pray some more. The more we discovered, the more solid Atila's
facts were as we also read The Rhine Flows into the Tiber by
Father Ralph Wiltgen, Iota Unum by Romano
Amerio, as well as many of the books by Archbishop
Marcel Lefebvre and Father
James F. Wathen's two masterful books The Great
Sacrilege and Who Shall Ascend?. In addition, we
researched countless pre-Vatican II encyclicals and all the
Councils. Sure enough Atila had been right on. We had to share all
this with our readers so they could read it for themselves and not
just take our word for it. We had begun corresponding with Atila and
Marian shortly after leaving the Novus Ordo and were able to
see up front and personally the deep commitment and sincerity of
these two stalwarts of the Traditional cause.
Had it not been for Atila's definitive works,
it is unlikely we would have taken such a daring step as to turn
The Daily Catholic from what it was in 2000 as a thriving
Novus Ordo publication parroting the pabulum being so
cleverly fed to all Catholics in diocesan publications, to
sacrificing it all in order to do the right thing. Cut off by most
of our Novus Ordinarian supporters at the time, we set out on
the lonely but fruitful and sure path of Tradition and have never
looked back. To that commitment, we thank today's honoree, the
distinguished gentleman and esteemed chivalrous author of the
Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani? series that we believe will be
remembered as quite possibly the most succinct and definitive
collection to flesh out the causes and effects of these troubled
times in the history of Holy Mother Church. That's the good news.
The bad news is that he and Marian are only half way through
translating the Collection.
When one first enters Atila's
stately, but modest office one is overwhelmed by the floor to
ceiling bookshelves packed with books of documentation in many
languages including bound past copies of all A.A.S. daily releases
going back to Pope Pius XII and well before that even, as
well as volumes and volumes of bound issues of L'Osservatore
Romano and other Catholic publications. But that is merely a
teaser, for when one turns the corner one is confronted with more
bookshelves on either side leading down a long hallway where it
turns right towards another hallway where the shelves rise up on
either side once again. It reminded me of my first experience in New
York City when driving toward the then Pan Am Building which seems
like it is the end of the city, only to discover that once around it
one discovers you're only halfway through the Big Apple. Chances are
few Traditional Catholics in the world have as extensive a
collection of primary sources on pre-Vatican II, Vatican II and
post-Vatican II as Mr. Guimarães. To say our experience was awesome
and awe-inspiring would be an understatement. As I told Atila, I
felt like a kid in a candy store. It was another confirmation that
few scholars have the thorough acumen to trace and document the
why, what, when, where, how and who as Atila has done
in his marvelous Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani?
collection which, book by book, exposes the the massive, murky mess
that has been created as a result of the Vatican II agenda.
Following up his first book in the
collection he released his second book translated and edited by
Marian in 2000 Animus Delendi-I which, in reality was Volume
IV from the Portuguese collection. Yet it was so important Atila
found it necessary to produce ahead of Volumes II and III for this
work further defined Atila's documentation of how the Church was
sabotaged through Vatican II and by whom. The Latin title translates
to "The Desire to Destroy", which is exactly what the progressivist
perpetrators had planned. As in his other works, Atila is so
meticulous that he not only checks his references several times, but
solidifies his statements with numerous quotes that affirm his
In the aftermath of the devastated
vineyard laid so bare from Jubilee events that were great photo ops
but opportunists for expanding the ecumenical heresy, Atila found it
necessary to publish a special edition of his collection which was
titled "Quo Vadis, Petre?" translated, "Which way are you
going, Peter" in asking the present successor of Peter what
direction he was taking in light of the scandalous Jubilee events
that revealed such a pan-religious nature and further weakened Holy
Mother Church by confusing even more of the faithful. As usual, no
response from Rome for indeed the Pope nor anyone else in the Curia
could not honestly answer the questions Atila so respectfully, but
firmly asked or they would have had to admit before the world they
were wrong and Atila was right.
In 2002 he solidified the findings of
his first two books with Volume V, Animus Delendi - II, which
focused on Secularization and Ecumenism, the two main initiatives of
Vatican II. He showed how these measures are destroying the unity of
Holy Mother Church and the foundations of the Faith. In this
masterful work, Atila exposed the half-truths and laid bare for all
to see the barren tree of Vatican II; irrefutable documentation that
innocent souls are being led to the slaughter by blatant denial of
Catholic truth. rather than immediately for we is what not only woke
us up, but planted the zeal
Prior to releasing Volume V, he and
Marian collaborated on a most revealing book released in the Fall of
2001 titled Previews of the New Papacy, which shocked even us
at the time and we made our feelings known personally to Atila and
Marian. They were most gracious in hearing our concerns, but
resolved not to amend anything in the book, which is basically a
pictorial compendium of the scandalous papacy of John Paul II.
Though initially we thought it was harsh, in retrospect, as we
admitted to Dr. Horvat and Atila, it wasn't bold enough for slowly
but surely it has been documented over and over the veracity of the
very things conveyed in the photos. They say a picture is worth a
thousand words and for those Novus Ordinarian Catholics with
short attention spans who wouldn't take the time to read, the
pictures shout the truth so visually. Indeed since the release of
the book more aberrations have been documented by
NovusOrdoWatch and Father Moderator at Traditio.
When the War with Iraq broke out in
the aftermath of 9-11, Atila found it necessary to remind readers
with a short book in 2003 - titled War, Just War - of the
forgotten principles from Natural Law, Scriptures, and Catholic
Morals that support war and applied them to the current crisis in
the Middle East. He answered in this work the reasons why
progressivists were against this war as he outlined their utopic
dream for a one-world order. That is what was hidden behind the
anti-war position. He also tackled the pacifist hysteria of some
religious leaders. Unfortunately this issue also caused some
friction within the Traditional movement itself as no issue, outside
of abortion, became more emotional in lieu of Americans once again
going into battle. Again Atila went against the grain in adhering to
what Holy Mother Church has always taught.
Probably his most devastating
statement as to the bitter fruits wrought by the conciliarists came
with the release of his most recent book Vatican II,
Homosexuality, and Pedophilia published this year on the moral
crisis within the universal Church. It was an appendix to The
Murky Waters of Vatican II which updated the malaise that has so
confused Catholics in the new millennium. With all the scandals
breaking over the past two years in the secular media and the
American church imploding, Atila's book is key to understanding the
purpose and rationale of those who would twist the Sacred Deposit of
the Faith to accommodate sin, and who must be exposed and eradicated
for the welfare of Holy Mother Church. It is a must read in order to
alert all to how deep the rot goes and why the scandal in America
was really only the tip of the iceberg for, as Atila sadly
documented, the sin of sodomy permeated all the way to the Papal
quarters during the reign of Paul VI. That, in and of itself, is as
tragic as it gets and yet so many Catholics, who have been so
mesmerized by the lies and the fabricated facade, would deny it
despite numerous very credible eyewitnesses at that time, who had no
personal axe to grind, only that they were loyal to Holy Mother
Church and could not understand the perversions that were even more
scandalous than the times of Pope Alexander VI. whose actions
helped ignite the Protestant Reformation.
At present Atila is just reaching that Pan Am
building for he is only half way through the collection, devoting
his time and energies, along with Marian's expertise in keeping
every thought and content in tact in the translations. Definitely no
easy task. His next work he and Marian are hard at work on presently
is the sixth volume Inveniet Fidem?. Like a kid counting down
the days til Christmas morning, we can't wait. We were so honored
when Atila and Marian agreed to provide The Daily Catholic
with columns with our debut of the totally Traditional publication
in September 2001. His first column on the Pact
of Metz which ran here on the Feast of St. Michael was a real
eye-opener to our readers for it explained so well then why modern
Rome has continued and intensified the entire false Fatima
fabrication of Our Lady's request all because of the insidious and
treasonous agreement made with the Communists as authorized by
John XXIII in seeking to placate man rather than God. As the
Apostle Paul said so clearly in Galatians 1: 8-10, that is a
definite no-no! In fact, he had even stronger words: "let them be
Both Atila and Marian contributed
regular articles to our publication for many years until, like
Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey, they were able to maintain their own
site in operational order where they now publish on their excellent
TRADITION IN ACTION.ORG site and which we
link to breaking articles as often as possible under their
respective column titles which we have archived since September 2001
in On the
BattleLine and Echoes of True
Catholicism We share in this issue Atila's most recent Bird's Eye View of the News on the
furtherance of syncretism at Fatima, the cowardice of Rome to uphold
Catholic moral truth, and the misconception being bandied about
which the Modernists are now embracing that the Old Jerusalem needs
to be restored. They have forgotten Christ forever established the
New Jerusalem in ending the Old Covenant. That New Jerusalem: His
Holy Catholic Church. Atila and Marian use, as the theme and logo of
counter-revolution for Tradition In Action, the great
on his noble steed accompanied by his knights Sir Roland and
Sir Olivier, a monument which stands at the entrance to the
magnificent Notre Dame Cathedral rising above the banks of the River
Seine in Paris. The motto of their ministry is taken from the French
idiom La plus belle aventure du monde, c’est la nôtre,
translated: The most beautiful adventure in the world is
ours. And indeed it is for there is no nobler act than to work
to reinstate everywhere the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven
- the Immemorial Mass of Tradition. At their easy-to-navigate site you will
also find more about Atila's books and Marian's as well, such as her
comprehensive books on Our Lady of Good Success and also
Restoring the Family , along with other available booklets,
articles, and an in-depth interview of Atila conducted by an Eastern
European magazine. It reveals so much more about this Crusader and
Word Warrior for Truth and Tradition which time and space to do not
allot here.
Finally, one of our proudest blessings came
when we obtained the Italian text of the Pontifical Biblical
Commission document "The Hebrew People and its Holy Scriptures in
the Christian Bible" before all the hubbub broke out over the
anathemas which Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had himself signed
off on. From our contact in Rome we knew this must be disseminated
to all, but there was no English translation yet, and so, despite
the fact Atila was working on Animus Delendi-II, he
graciously took the time to read it and write a landmark exhausting
analysis and critique of the Commission's document. He clearly
identified the anathemas blatantly professed in the document and
sent his complete analysis to us to publish. We were honored and
privileged to break the series exclusively on these pages in April
2002 and which is available to read for yourself at Changes in
Doctrine and New Anathemas. This was later published in
booklet form and now available from TIA.
And now, as we complete the charter Tower of
Trent Tributes for this inaugural year of the awards, it is with
great pride and truly an honor to enshrine Atila in the Tower of
Trent Hall of Honor and present our trusted friend with the Tower of
Trent Trophy and declare this day and the next two Within the Octave
of Corpus Christi Days as Atila Sinke Guimarães
Days in all of Christendom.
For other charter members honored in this inaugural presentation of
the Tower of Trent, see Charter
Recipients of the Tower of Trent Trophy